50 question tag

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where were you two hours ago - target buying makeup

who are you in love with - a b-e-a-utiful dood that i've been in a relationship for over a year and a half

have you ever eaten a crayon - prolly

is there anything pink within four feet of you - i have a pink blanket on me right now pink rules fam

when was the last time you went to the mall - probably two or three weeks ago, actually tried on outfits for the first time and had a ~fashion show~ with my boyfriend

are you wearing socks right now - yes ma'am

does your family own a car over $20,000 - h*ck yes

when was the last time you drove out of town - had to go to an imaging place maybe two days ago because i thought an ovarian cyst ruptured and they wanted me to have an ultrasound

have you been to the movies in the past five days - no but i'm going to see venom tomorrow

are you hot - my boyfriend tells me i am but that might~ be a little biased.  i'm alright i guess.

what was the last thing you had to drink - water like two seconds ago

what are you wearing right now - gray shirt, sweatpants, and socks.  i'm feeling lazy, sue me

do you wash your car or let the car wash do it - i don't own a car *yet* (most likely in the next couple months) but my family usually goes to the car wash

last thing you ate - pizza and fries

where were you last week at this time - probably in the office playing ffxiv for ten hours

have you bought any clothing items in the past week - not actual clothes but i'm addicted to a game called love nikki which is a dress up game, but with DEATH, so i guess i have digitally

when was the last time you ran - i'm so clumsy i'm actually scared of running um

what's the last sporting event you watched - if you couldn't tell i'm a big ol' introvert that lovessss books and video games, so i couldn't even tell you the last time that was

whats your favorite animal - in general birds but specifically giraffes

your dream vacation - trip around europe with boyfriend

last person's house you went to - the boyfren

worst injury i've ever had - when i was probably five or so i was running on really rough gravel but it was the size of rocks so i tripped, and scraped all of the skin off my kneecap, so yeah.  that.

have you ever been in love - frick yeah

do you miss anyone right now - my best friend that lives across the country

last play you saw - next fall, which da boyfriend was in

what's your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex - first of all i'm bi as hell.  second, i'm a 32DDD so prolly that.  my thighs are kinda nice i guess.

plans for tonight - THIS.  and watching criminal minds with the mom™️

last person you sent a text to - best friend that lives across the country

next trip you're going to take - might go to maine in december which will be cold as hell but i've never been there

ever go to camp - does kidz kamp count.  it was forced religion on kids under the age of 10, and i'm pretty sure you had to pay like $50 for it.  scam?? maybe.  but its pretty safe to say i'm nowhere near religious now.

are you an honor roll student - graduated as one

what do you want to know about the future - if i'm happy

are you wearing any perfume - nah

have a doctor's appointment soon - does a psychiatrist count

where is your best friend - southern us

how is your best friend - are you obsessed with her or something.  and hopefully well she gets emotional a lot but i just want her to know she is very loved.

do you have a tan - i am lighter than most of the lightest foundation colors

what are you listening to right now - if a show counts criminal minds, but the last song i heard was anpanman by bts

do you collect anything - depression?? anxiety? pets?

biggest gossiper you know - my best friend lmao

last time you got stopped by a cop - never, i'm an innocent angel 👼

have you ever drank soda from a straw - probably i mean why would i specifically remember this

what does your last text message say - You got snail!

do you like hot sauce - i'm so fucking white i'm sorry sometimes ketchup is too much for me

last time you took a shower - my house only has a bath so technically a couple months or so but bathing in general, last night

do you need to do laundry - need to yes but want to nooooo

what is your heritage - german, french, english, venezuelan

are you someone's best friend - if i'm not i've been lied to

are you rich - upper middle class but nowhere near people living in penthouses and own like seven boats

what were you doing at 12AM - probably on my phone playing codycross

if you read through all of this - how did you get here

thanks i guess

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