Chapter 2

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© Jojo B 2018

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


Flaws and Feathers

Chapter 2

After a lengthy discussion, we reluctantly left Raphael in the cabin alone for the night. Gwen and I weren't going to stay there with him as we barely knew the guy. We just hoped he wouldn't take our belongings and leave with them.

That night, back in my bed at home, I lay awake for a while. My mind was much too active to actually fall to sleep. Even though there was a hint of distrust surrounding Raphael, as there should be with any stranger, I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to help him remember what happened to him, if he really did have amnesia, that was. He could have been lying. Gwen had considered us helping him find his friends. So far, she seemed to trust the guy. Probably more than I did.

I turned over in my bed, letting out a sleepy sigh as my eyelids finally got heavier. I was almost on the beautiful brink of sleep, my head feeling light and my body weightless, when a strange feeling of washed over me. I sensed someone there in my room with me, and my eyes flew open instantly. Turning to look at the door, my heart squeezed when I saw a dark shape standing motionlessly. Not taking my eyes off the figure, my hand quickly scrambled for the switch of my bedside lamp. My fingers finally located the switch and soft light flooded my room. What I had thought was a person, had only been the dark shape of my dressing gown hanging from the back of my door.

"Wow, Vienna," I mumbled to myself as I lay down again.

Settling myself against the pillows, I reached out to turn the lamp off. It may have just been my tiredness playing mind games, but I thought the room stayed bright a little longer than it should.


Morning came with a flourish of golden rays. It was deceptively enticing, but I knew that to go outside would mean facing a bitter cold breeze. It was Saturday, and usually I would sleep in until midday, but yesterday's excitement meant that I was up and heading to the bathroom just minutes before 9am.

The good thing about waking up at such a time, was that I didn't have to race Joe to the bathroom. Gwen had her own bathroom as her room was an ensuite, simply because she was the oldest. Our parents room was also an en suite, meaning Joe and I shared the other bathroom. He was quite messy, as most fifteen year old boys were, but he could have been worse, I must admit.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and decided to try and tame the dark messy hair on my head before getting into the shower. Grimacing at how rough from sleep I looked, I brushed my teeth and jumped into the shower.

Joe had still not woken up by the time I finished, and I went back to my room to get dressed. Opting for a casual pair of loose fitting jeans and a turtle neck jumper, I put my bedroom slippers on and headed downstairs.

Our family had a little thing we did on Saturdays. In the morning we ate together, provided we were all up in time. Mum usually did the big shop on Saturday mornings after breakfast, so sometimes Joe and I missed it and we would eat the lukewarm leftovers. Usually pancakes. It was a great way to welcome the weekend.

Unsurprisingly, Gwen was already down in the kitchen with Mum.

"Morning," I greeted them both, my voice pretty low as I had woken up not long ago.

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