"The Guardians" by Chesnie Keeler-Chapter Three

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"You're just in time, sis!" Josiah says as he holds a long shaft with a glowing white axe at the end. He puts the metal into the water and it boils onto the floor. He stands on the pedestal waiting for the water to cool. I resist going to embrace him because the skin of my feet won't stand against the scorching water. "The new halberd you requested is almost complete. Just has to cool. I figured you wouldn't come back here, so I've been working on it since yesterday morning."

"I hate that you've been here since yesterday and you're just now letting me know! How long are you here?"

"Only until after the Trial," Josiah says.

"You think it'll be ready for tonight?" I ask.

"Should be. It's the least I could do for not having been here," Josiah says as he plants the halberd into the stand. He comes over to me and embraces me tightly. The kindhearted brother. "Seems like forever since I've seen you."

"Nine months while you were on your tour," I say.

"Wouldn't miss the celebration of Pedeset for anything. I hope you've been practicing. I don't want to have to come all the way back here just to see that you won't be chosen," Josiah says.

"Well, how do you think I broke my last spear? I hope this one is more steady," I say.

"The last one was steady enough. You were rough on it," I say. "But this one's fit for a guardian."

"You know, there's never been a female warrior chosen from any of the villages," I say, sinking back into reality. It's possible that I may not see the Trial, and the thought contorts its way into my mind and cripples my hope.

"There's a first time for everything. Show them all what you've learned. I believe in you. And I have a feeling that the rest of the village believes in you, too." I can't tell if he's saying this to make me feel better or to make me believe in myself. Either way, it didn't work.

"Have you heard from Father, yet?"

"Nothing. It's been a week since I've spoken with him. Not gonna lie, I'm starting to become worried. He usually always sends a letter or word by mouth," Josiah says. "But he sent Cyrus back for a reason."

"Yeah, I know," I say. "Did he tell you?"

"No. He's too bullheaded for that. But he did mention that he saw you in the meadows with Gabriel."

"Of course he did. He always mentions things without—," I begin.

"Just because he works for us doesn't mean he's still not from the other village. If you make it onto the Trial of the Cryst and his village chooses him as a representative, you will be opponents," Josiah says.

"Father knew full well when he gave Gabriel inscription orders that one day he would be in this position," I say.

"He didn't know that you'd cultivate a relationship with him. That's not what he meant," Josiah says.

"I also don't think he meant for me to want to get into the challenge, but here we are, less than a day away from it."

"When we're gone, he's supposed to be here to watch over you and Adina."

"He does his job," I say as I walk over to the spear and touch its shaft. "And he helps me train."

"Has he soiled you?" Josiah asks. I can't tell if my ears become hot because of the flames or because of the embarrassing question. No. But it's not like I haven't thought about Gabriel and I going all the way to the point of passion.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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