Untitled Part 1

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Don't be afraid. But even if you are, it's ok. Your fear will make you stronger beyond your wildest dreams. One day, you will be surrounded by people who love you and who lift you up for your true self. Your insecurities will one day dissolve into your greatest assets. Stay kind. Stay loving. Your heart will be broken but it will only grow larger.

Be aware of the deepest, darkest parts of yourself and love yourself more. Accept these parts of you; everyone has demons. Be unapologetic and relentless in your pursuit of what is right and what fulfils you. Make decisions for your benefit and not for anyone else's.

Your parents love you to the very ends of the earth - they always have and always will. Your brothers are two pillars of support and you are one to them. Love them unconditionally just as they do you. 

You. Are. Beautiful. Every small step matters. Your self love will flourish but the battle will always continue. Everyone is beautiful; see them and appreciate all forms of beauty - including your own!

Just as all children are, you are afraid. Being afraid is always ok. Especially when you are an adult. Fear is what makes us feel alive. Remember: "courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the knowledge that something else is more important then fear." Your dreams will come true, because you make it so.

Be grateful for the things that will not be there forever. Your family, your friends, everything in your life. Live each day like its the last and always pursue every opportunity - no matter how big or small. Your smile is a gift - share it.

Finally, enjoy your journey. Have your goal in sight but enjoy every second of strife and pursuit. You may never settle in one profession or mind set, but that's ok. Live your truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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