Chapter 14: The Family that Hunts Together...

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Logan's cabin was stocked with food as well as clothes for the boys that Jan had clearly designed just for them. So for the first few days, it was all about exploring — going out into the snow and building forts, snowmen, and snow angels.

Of course, it wasn't long before Logan simply went out to hunt, leaving the three of them in the little cabin tucked into the woods near the frozen lake. "So, what do you boys think?" K asked, wrapping one of Logan's flannels around herself a little tighter as she settled in with coffee. "Is this what you figured our first family vacation would be like?"

Barney shrugged. "Well, sorta," he admitted. "Seeing as I only see you guys when it's cold."

"He just wanted somewhere more private," K explained. "And seeing as no one knows where his place is ..."

"I like it," Clint chimed in. "I like that it's just us. It's like how you and me were on our own for a while."

"It's kind of nice, isn't it?" K agreed with a little smile.

"Yeah. I really like having you to myself," Clint admitted — though he was quiet about it as he gave her a little hug.

"I like having you to myself too," she agreed. "Lots of people to play with at those other spots, but ... this is better, I think."

Clint nodded and snuggled in a little better. "I do like playing with Rachel, though," he added quickly. "I don't wanna leave."

"We were planning on staying through Logan's birthday," K said. "You just need to speak up, though, if you get tired of all this Canadian quiet and snow."

"Not yet, though," Clint said, grinning at his brother.

They spent a quiet morning after that playing in the snow and generally enjoying being with their brand new family — and that was the way things went for the first couple days, anyway.

It wasn't until the actual morning of Thanksgiving came around and the boys overheard Logan and K talking about getting a dinner ready that they really got to shake things up.

"I thought you were gonna let us shoot a deer for Thanksgiving," Barney said, his eyes wide as he turned toward Logan.

"You can go with me to hunt," Logan said. "But it's called hunting, not shooting. You'll be lucky if you get a clear shot — and if you can't, then I'll go handle it."

"We're pretty good shots," Clint pointed out. "I can hit anything with my bow!"

"That's not the point," Logan said, shaking his head lightly. "Hunting here is a little different than hunting at your mom's place or even in Westchester. The animals are more wary. Clever. If you stalk up close enough to be in range for your bow, you still might not get a clean shot." He gave him a little smirk. "But ... you need to learn where to hit first anyhow."

"So you'll take us?" Barney asked.

"Sure," Logan agreed easily.

"Great! We'll get our bows," Barney said, already heading out to grab his — with Clint giggling and rushing to follow him soon after.

"You'll be lucky to see anything," K teased as the boys headed off to bundle up.

"Don't matter," Logan said. "They won't learn unless they give it a shot."

It wasn't long before the boys came back in their purple coats and hats, both of them grinning widely. "This is gonna be fun!" Clint laughed

Logan and K shared a glance. K smiled down into her coffee cup just before Logan got up to take the boys out — first taking a moment to show them how they needed to aim if they were going to take a shot and explaining what the best shot looked like. "Quartering away, make sure the front foot nearest you is takin' a step forward. That shoulder bone is tough; you can't always punch through it. Smarter to wait until the shot's clean," Logan explained.

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