Chapter 4

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•Nash's POV•

"What?" Everybody asked.

"Bleeehhhh" Allison just puked everywhere!

"Oh my gosh Allison, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bleeehhhh" She puked again!

"Let's go home guys" Aaron said

"Yeah" Cameron said

At home

On the phone with the doctor

Carter-After she ate chicken, she just started puking everywhere!

Doctor-Was the chicken fully cooked?

Carter-I don't know.

Doctor-I think Allison has food poisoning.

Carter-WHAT?!? That can't happen! She's only 3!

Doctor-I'm sorry. You should bring her to the doctors tomorrow so we can check her out.

Carter-Okay. Bye.


•Carter's POV•

"Guys, I have bad news." I said.

"What is it?" Cameron asked.

"Allison has food poisoning.We have to take her to the doctors tomorrow." I said. I feel so bad for her.She's only 3!" I said.

"She doesn't deserve this!" Shawn said.

"I know." I said.

The next day

•Allison's POV•

"Let's go to the doctor, come on Allison." Nash said.

Ugh. I hate doctors but I don't want them to be mad at me. Ill go anyways. "Okay" I said.

At the doctors

•Nash's POV•

"Mr.Grier, you should take Allison out of the room for a minute" The doctor said to Hayes.

"Okay, come on Allison." Hayes said. They left the room.

"Nash..." Said the doctor to me.

"What??" I said. I was scared!

"Allison has....."

"WHAT????" I screamed so loud that probably the whole doctors office heard me.

"Allison has medulloblastomas in her posterior fossa." The doctor said. What the heck is that?!?

"Umm...what is that??" I asked. I'm worried. It sound so serious!

"Allison has...a brain tumor" The doctor announced. My whole world just stopped. My stomach dropped. I wanted to throw up. My heart broke. I started sobbing.

"WHHYYY???" I said between sobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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