A story about the difficult journey

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'I cannot believe I have to go across this bridge. It does not look safe at all'

I know no one can hear me, but it does not mean I cannot talk to myself.

The bridge is made of two ropes with pieces of wood placed on top. It is not secured by anything on either of sides. If only one piece moves to the side I will fall 20 meters down into the river, with God knows what wild animals.

I can't swim!

I might find a different way to cross the river, but I do not have time for searching.

'I have to do it. Now or never!'

I placed my right foot on the first step, and after one, long, deep breath I was ready to go forward.

'I am safe. I will be alive at the end of the bridge'

My mind stops to send me all the black scenarios about all possible ways of my death. I try to think positively and get rid of all terrifying thoughts.

And then the quiet, nearly unnoticeable, creaking sound gets to my ears. The peace of wood that I am standing on starts to break. Not enough to step forward or backwards. All I have to do is jump across a massive gap in front of me or fall down and pray to survive. I try to jump, if I miss the next step I will die, try to save my life and maybe finish the task.

'I made it'

I could not celebrate my victory over the bridge because the wind blow causes it to move. All steps in front of me began to get wobbly, being close to their journey down.

'No again! I hate to run'

Jumping from one step to another with low chance to actually stepping on it, is something that happens to me nearly every day, but I still have not get used to it and I do not like it either.

And then the last step. Only one more and I will be fine.

But it would be too nice, ropes behind me are starting to loosen and getting down.

That is my end.


So, this is the first one. I hope someone liked it.
Someone remember writing this before?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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