Interview with angellover254

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Angel (angellover254) is one of wattpad's finest writers. She joined wattpad on December 16, 2011 and to this day has 5 stories posted on wattpad. All of them have become huge successes, her story “My High School Life” reached number one on the teen fiction charts. Her latest novel called, “Blooming Iris,” is about a 16 year old girl, named Iris, who lost her twin brother and parents in a horrible car accident. A young CEO finds himself attracted to Iris and offers her a place to stay. This is a story about love and loss. Angel is a talented writer, who I've had the honor to interview for this collection. I will be asking her about herself in hopes that her reader will get to know her better and others on wattpad will find her work. Below is the interview.

How did you discover wattpad?

Well, my friend told me about it once, but I guess I didn't really like the format they were using back then, so I forgot about it until one day one of my favorite writers told me they were moving to Wattpad so I decided to check it out, and every since then, I loved it!

Do you have a favorite story that you've posted?

I like all my stories equally :)

What inspired you to write your first book?

Boredom, lol. That's actually what inspired me.

I know when I write music plays a big part in the experience. Do you have a song that inspired you to write?

I don't have just one song that inspires me to write, it's just whatever song I'm listening to at the moment.

If you could choose only one book to read on a deserted island for the rest of your life, what book would you choose?

Oh that's a hard question... um, I'll pick Marked by PC Cast and Kristin Cast.

Do you see writing as a career?

Well.... I would like to publish a story one day, but I'm going into the field of art.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

PC Cast and Kristin Cast, mostly because they wrote my favorite series. Their imagination to create this new world of supernatural creatures is incredible :)

Do you recall how your interest in writing started?

It started when I was thirteen years old. I was bored one day, so I decided to come up with a story for these characters I was drawing. From them on I couldn't stop writing.

Do you have anything specific you want to say to your readers?

THANK YOU!!!! Thanks for reading my stories, for fanning me, and for supporting me so far :) It really means a lot because without you guys I wouldn't be where I am today, so thank you so much xD

Every author in this book will be asked five, “would you rather” questions. These questions will help fans of the author get to know them better.

Would you rather loose or never play?

I would rather loose.

Would you rather sweet food or salty food?

Sweet food!! Duh :P

Would you rather live forever or die young?

Live forever, I don't wanna die....

Would you rather live in Paris or London?

Paris, lol.

Would you rather be able to travel forwards in time or back in time?

Forward, it would be cool to see the future. 

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