Interview with Knightsrachel

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Rachel (Knightsrachel) is one of wattpad's most famous authors. She has uploaded 8 stories during her time on wattpad. One of her most famous stories is called, “One Of The Boys.” It's about a girl named Samantha who is trying to prove to the world that she deserves to be the quarterback for her high school football team. She receives a lot of pressures, and it's all on her to bring home a state victory.

Rachel's most popular novel is called, “Living With The Walkers,” if you're not one of the 10 million people who have already read this novel, I recommend you check it out. “Living With The Walker Boys” will soon be available on Smashwords as an ebook.

What's you favorite novel to read in your spare time?

I love "Don't Die My Love" by Lurlene McDaniel.

Who in your life has influenced you the most in your writing?

My grandmother. She always told me to aspire to my dreams.

What was the hardest part of writing, Living With The Walker Boys?

The emotions. There were so many roller coasters and love triangles. But it was fun nonetheless. I loved writing it.

Do you have any advice for new writers?

Just keep going. Don't ever quit on a book. Put your best effort into it and just have fun.

Do you base your books on experiences you've had?

Not the entire book, but maybe some scenes in the book.

What are your current projects?

One of the Boys, Here to Win, and Ashes. I also have unpublished works in the making (;

If you could have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would you choose?

I would have dinner with a British guy, any British guy. I have a thing for British accents!

How did you start writing?

I read one "Don't Die My Love" and felt inspired to write my own story. So I owe it all to Lurlene McDaniel.

Is there anything you want to say to your readers?

Love you all, thank you for all of your support. You're all amazing <3

Every author in this book has to answer 5 “would you rather” questions. This way the authors fans will be able to get to know them better.

Would you rather find true love or a million dollars?

True Love

Would you rather have a missing finger or an extra toe?

Extra Toe

Would you rather only be able to whisper or shout?


Would you rather end hunger or hatred?


Would you rather live without music or TV?


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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