Once A Cheater Always A Cheater - Part 14

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Heey guys, so sorry I haven't written much for this story. I know it has been four month now but I have a total mind block x_x I will try my best to keep going :) Hope you enjoy it xD


Sarah came close to me, I was stuck between Sarah and the wall. I was covering Emma up and gripping onto her very tightly. Sarah bought out something very shiny from her pocket. My confused face faded into a shocked look. It was a knife...is she going to kill me?...


Nicky's P.O.V.


I slowly open my eyes, I don't remember anything. I pick myself up gently, I look up and see Sarah. She was driving at top speed, I was in the back seat. I was so confused "W-where are you taking me". Sarah smirks "Some where far, far away! I TOLD YOU! I told you not to call the police". I look around, I shout "WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS EMMA!". Sarah laugh maniacally "She is somewhere safe, you don't need to know". I gulp "Please! Don't do this...it is bad enough! Destiny...". Sarah interrupts me and scream "NO! Don't say her name". Her eyes start twitching, she goes red "Don't you say my princess's name!".

She turns around the corner like a mad man, she seriously had no feelings. I checked my pockets for my phone. Sarah laughs "Don't think I am that stupid, I took your phone already". I wanted to punch her in the face, how many times I have been in this situation because of her. Even as little children, she would do something so mad and make me go along with it. This was too much, she stopped the car in front of a lovely big house and smirked "Don't think about running away, Emma will get it". I got out slowly, I had enough and I snapped. I grabbed her hair and smacked her head against the floor. I don't know why I did it. I gasped, I was shocked at myself "I-I didn't mean too". Sarah picks her head up and has a mental look in her eyes.


Sarah's P.O.V.


That was it, I was going to let her go but now she blew her chance. I grabbed onto Nicky and pushed her into the house. I laughed "Don't worry, I will still live but shame I can't say the same for you". Nicky looked terrified, I loved this feeling. I tied her up to a chair tightly, putting her next to the fire place. I smile "Want some tea? coffee?". Nicky sarcastically smiles "Yes, I would love to get poisoned by your tea". I laugh "Oh, that is funny" I put her closer to the fire place. I go back out to get Emma out of the boot, I smile "Are you okay my darling? This place is perfect for us". Emma starts crying. I pick her up and take her up to her room. I put her down and go back downstairs to Nicky.

I make her a cup of tea and put it in her hand, I smile "Now, we have time to blow". Nicky looks down "What are you going to do with me?". I laugh "Well wanted to leave that to your imagination but okay, lets see. you ruined my wedding and my life so...death?". Nicky looks down and tears roll down her cheeks "I ruined your life? you were my best friend and you took my boyfriend, I had to go through having a baby on my own and you think I made it difficult for you?!". I felt something I never felt, I felt guilty. I wiped it off and put on a smirk "Well at least you still have your baby and your boyfriend. WHAT DO I HAVE?!". Nicky frowns "You ruined it all on your own, so don't expect pity from me".  I knew she was right...


Katie's P.O.V.


My phone rings, I sigh and pick it up "Hello, Katie here". I get told everything and hang up, I look at Jamie shocked. Jamie is confused "What's wrong?". I burst into tears "Sarah...". He sighs "What has she done now?". I cry "She took Emma, Nicky tried to help but now they all have disappeared!". Jamie looked down "Don't worry, she won't hurt Emma...". I interrupted "What about Nicky?!". Jamie sighs "We have to go find them!". I shout "But we don't have a clue where they could be!". Jamie exhales "Well...Jason probably has a clue?"

I really did not want to go back to the prison after everything that happen but I knew it was my only chance to get there in time. I look down "Fine, but you are coming with me". Jamie sighs "Okay, I'll just drop Damien at his grans and meet you outside the prison?". I nod yes and walk out, I had to go back home and get into something less zombie looking. I put on a nice baby blue dress, with black heels and leave my hair down. I wanted to rub it in his face, what he lost out on.


Jason's P.O.V.


I was freaking out, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get out of this dull cell and I wanted to break out to save my baby girl. I was surprised when a cell guard came and asked for me. Someone was here to visit me, I was hoping it was Sarah with Emma but word in the cells are she is long gone with Emma and another girl. I sit down and see Katie, I smile but then I see Jamie and sigh. They both sit down in front of me. I look down "Did you find Sarah?". Katie has a fierce look in her eyes "You knew this whole time? you two are twisted!". I shout "NO! She phoned and I told her to give our baby back!". Katie calms down "Where did she take them?!". She burst out crying "Is there any where she could be?". I thought about it but couldn't really think of anywhere. Then it hit me like a tidal wave "Yeah...".


Jamie's P.O.V.


I shout "Are you going to tell us? or do we have to beat it out of you? my girlfriend's life is on line here! don't waste my time!". Jason looked shocked "She took Nicky? man, this girl is out of it". I smack the table. Jason sighs "Calm down, I have a villa in Destiny Ele Ville. I bought it when I found out about Destiny". I get out of the building in a rush, Katie follows behind me and grabs my wrist "We need to get there quickly!". I get in the car, I put the details Katie gave to me and drove like a crazy person but was I going to make it in time...

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