A Sky Full Of Stars

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I'm in the hills and from the mountains wavelengths
Running after moon and the stars up and up high lengths
From the ground I stare and stand where I've cherished
You that much that captivated me till you've made me perished

You've kept tearing me apart in every jigsaw puzzle I try to put in
But I don't care whatever you say or do to me but you're a sin
I always come back with my heart that I'm giving up as an offer
No matter how much I love you, your stone heart is always a puffer

All in the way that makes all that debris won't ever dissect us
Whenever I take my Ferrari just to go woo you but you take a bus
Getting away from me going to London and I'm the albatross
Wherever you go my dear even you lost love, you're not a loss

I caught you and you went away again and went to NASA to learn
I followed you once again full of my desirous heart to yearn
You became an astronaut and went to start launching off to space
I became a surrealist and an adventurer to seek out for your pace

I made a call and you finally answered me afar between borders
You told me you're sorry for losing love you had for me and all that
We talked a bit longer between the lines of us and we've dissever
No longer I could touch you or see or hear, you're a sky full of stars

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