Baby Stark doo doo doodoo doodoo

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"Where's Pepper?", Peter asked quietly, breaths quickening as he stared at the roll in the range.

"Friday, where's Pepper?", he repeated, a little louder. Excitement started rushing through his veins to the point he was visibly shaking.

"She's in her office, Peter. Would you like me to ale-" "It's fine!", he shouted, darting to the room a few levels down at full speed. The teen gave an excited chuckle-turned-laugh, narrowly missing the other employees in the hall.

Peter stopped in front of Pepper's door, pressing an ear to see if she was speaking with someone at the moment. He grinned from ear to ear hearing the quiet clicking of a keyboard, rushing inside and jumping up and down.

"MOM! MOM!", he practically shouted, completely oblivious to himself, jumping high enough and sticking to the ceiling before letting go and falling back to the ground.

The woman nearly dropped her cup in surprise, slowly setting it down before turning towards the boy. "Y-yes, dear?", she asked, voice slightly wavering from trying to hold back tears of joy.

At the acknowledgment, the teen ran up and gave Pepper a tight hug, practically picking her up and jumping around. "Isittrue? Is it yours?", he asked in a single breath. She nodded with a grin, which made Peter jump around even more. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be a big brother! This is literally the best! I can't wait for him--or her, I REALLY want a sister--to come! Anytime you'll need a babysitter, I'm always open! I just--WOOHOO!", the teen rambled with a cheer, before finally realizing she had been trying to get his attention. "Down, please.", she asked quietly, though smiling with amusement.

"Oh, yeah yeah yeah.", he breathed before letting go and giving Pepper the opportunity to. "Wait, why didn't Dad tell me?" "Because 'Dad' doesn't know. That piece of bread has been in the oven for three days now and he still hasn't noticed it. I've got a bet with Wanda as to how long it'll take for him to.", Pepper explained, chuckling with herself. "Ah.", Peter hummed, finally understanding. "You said it's been three days? My guess is on...Sunday.", he responded, grinning.

"Final answer?" Peter nodded. The woman gave a light chuckle again. "Alright then. Now go, Mr. Big Brother. I've still got work to do.", she dismissed, giving another hug before sitting back down. The teen nodded and walked away, quietly shutting the door behind him. She turned towards the computer, mouthing 'He called me Mom.' while holding back tears. Damn mood swings. "Already saved to your personal files, Miss."

Two steps later, he pulled out his phone and dialed Ned, quickly making his way back to the lab for 'interning'.

"Dude! Dudedudedudedudedude! Guess what! The greatest thing is happening!"

Peter won the bet.

On a lovely Sunday afternoon, Tony had gone to get himself some lunch, taking care of himself, y'know, like a normal person. The man had gotten some leftover patties and cheese out, only to notice there was no bread. He grumbled to himself, swearing that there was at least one more bun left.

"Hey Fri? Dearest? Were there some leftover buns, or am I finally losing it?", he asked the AI, looking around.

"There is one, Boss.", she answered, with a hint of amusement, like she knew something he didn't.

"Where?", the man asked, growing impatient. He just wanted a damn burger, was that too much to ask?

"Might I suggest the lower cabinets? By the oven, perhaps?" Oh, she knew something. That tone was far too playful for his liking.

Nonetheless, he squatted down and started looking around on one side. Nope. He moved to the other, before doing a double take on the oven. It wasn't on, but there was something clearly in there.

Tony raised an eyebrow, opening the door and revealing the missing bun. The man was so confused he didn't hear the soft padding of Pepper's feet as she walked towards him with an excited grin. He just stared at it for a moment. Who the hell decided to put a bun...

bun in the oven.

He didn't drop it, softly setting the bread on the nearest counter as he slowly backed away. "Pep?", Tony asked softly, looking at the woman with wide eyes. She bit her lower lip and nodded quickly, eyes lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. He gave an airy laugh, walking slowly to his fiance with open arms. They were quick to embrace.

"How long have you known?"

"About a week or so."

He nodded. "And you didn't tell me voluntarily because...?" "I was playing a game."

They laughed, never breaking from each other.

"So do I need to tell Peter or..." "He already knows. Was bouncing off the walls when he found out. Called me Mom when he asked about it."

Tony's smile grew slightly. The couple's eyes shut, simply holding each other as they slightly rocked the weight from one foot to the other.

When the two eventually broke apart, Tony called his Spider-Son (that's his actual contact name) and told him to go to the compound right now so they could celebrate. Half an hour later, Spider-Man crawled through one of the windows and gave a playful giggle. "I think my Spidey Sense may be psychic.", the teen remarked, pulling off his mask and tossing it on the couch before colliding with his parents in a hug. They were quick to return it, with Pepper laughing at the teen's remark.

They poured some sparkling water into three solo cups. "A toast.", Tony began, raising his glass. "To a new future." His family smiled brightly, knocking the cups together as Peter made a soft 'clink' with his. The three finished the drink and spent the rest of the afternoon doing family things; watching a movie, cooing at Peter's childhood pictures ("Where did you even-you know what? I probably shouldn't ask.), cooking and eating dinner together, and Tony and Peter essentially turning the drive back to May's apartment into a rock concert, complete with air guitar solos and everything.

They gave each other a hug before the still-grinning Peter left the car, practically skipping his way back to his Aunt's.

Peter couldn't tell you the last time he felt this happy, but you know what? He didn't care what the world had to offer.

Absolutely nothing was going to bring him down right now.


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