Chapter 1

22 1 2
  • Dedicated to To the entire Mojang team, thank you for making such an amazing game.

It’s 22:05 PM looking for strange treasure, me and my mates have never thought we would be on this adventure. The weather is quite horrible, it just won’t stop raining. Your probably wondering what’s my name? Well it’s Stevie, and my friends and I are off to a strange island called “Block Island”. It is told that there are diamonds and emeralds that can be deep underground. My friends Christopher, Lester and Mason have strong experience in strange places, while I don’t know anything. 

“Hey Stevie you got your stuff ready?” said Lester in a adventurous voice, I was nervous but I said “Yeah, let’s go today doesn’t look so good”. All we need to do is wait for Chris and Mason since their saying goodbye to their family for a long time. Chris shouted “Let’s go to adventure!” he was really excited about this adventure. Mason was our “genius” because he was into technology so basically he controls the navigation and he’s got backup just incase something happens. 

As we head to the dull ocean we came across with some serious tides that wanted to sink our boat, thankfully the boat can handle these tides. For now we brought food that was made back in town jsut incase we all brought our fising rods just incase we wanted to eat fish. I like to keep track on things in my journal just incase if someone found my journal they can know what at least happened to me. It is possible that suddenly we reach somewhere that is just weird with different kinds of species of animals. From hobbits to even these weird things that come up to you and explode. There is one thing that freaks me out we calll them the Enderman, I had a dream about them one night I wasn't too comfortable about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2012 ⏰

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