Chapter 11

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Legolas POV

The sound of the Horn of Gondor rings in my ears as I blink against the sunlight. I can hear feet rushing towards us, but otherwise, I am in a daze. Boromir and I are laying in a large clearing. I'm vaguely aware of Aragorn saying something as he reaches Boromir's side. I feel the ground tremble as Gimli rushes to check on me. I roused myself from my state of disorientation, noticing I can feel an odd tingling run across my skin, as though coming from the area I had been injured, then it's spreading across the rest of my body. As I become more aware, the only thing I can see is Harry leaning over me, crying. I'm quickly sitting up gasping, that is when I notice a stick tumbling into my lab. I grab for it, recognizing it as Harry's wand.

"Harry, where's Harry?" I cry anxiously.

I look around, frantically, and my gaze settled on Aragorn kneeling beside Boromir, and I know he is dying. I can't see Harry, Merry or Pippin, and I know that they were taken by the Uruk-Hai. I have to hold back a sob at the realization that he may well be gone for good, after all, who knows what magic Saruman can conjure. Harry saved my life, only to be put in danger himself - if he is even alive. Knowing about Harry's secret, I choose to believe that he is, but my fear is also for Merry and Pippin. Unless it was Saruman's orders to bring them back unharmed - but that does not ease the worry that plagues my heart.

No one answers me, but they don't have to, I already know. I stand up, my legs somehow sturdy, and go over to Aragorn. Gimli silently follows, head bowed in sorrow. There is nothing we can do now. The three of us are silent as Aragorn and I pick Boromir up, Gimli readying a canoe. We watch solemnly as Aragorn fills the small boat with the weapons of Boromir's fallen enemies, his sword is placed in his hands, and then a few words are spoken. I watch Frodo and Sam sailing away in the direction of Emyn Muil. I am torn, do I abandon Harry? I know in my heart that the Ring is more important, and I want to go after them, but Aragorn stops me.

"Let them go. We cannot help Frodo anymore," he says, voice barely a whisper.

Gently arranging Boromir into a dignified pose, Gimli, Aragorn and I gently push the canoe out into the water, we stand and watch as it sails towards the Falls of Rauros. We don't move until the canoe falls over the edge.

"The fellowship has failed then," Gimli whispered as he watched Frodo and Sam disappear.

"No!" Aragorn demands. "We will not abandon Harry, Merry and Pippin."

"We need to go after the Uruk-Hai. We need to save Harry and the Hobbits," I affirm, smiling at Aragorn. In my hand, I still desperately clutch his wand.

"Aye," Gimli agrees, eyes shining. "Let us hunt some Uruk-Hai!" he bellows, almost like a battle cry.

"Take only what you need. We must travel light and fast if we are to save them. Leave anything that can be spared," Aragorn turns around, headed to the half-completed camp we made just before the ambush. I silently pray that Harry will be okay, and the Hobbits. I know he will do anything to protect them.

As soon as we manage to gather our supplies, we follow the Uruk-Hai, Aragorn bent low to the ground, tracking them at full speed. I stay only a few steps behind Aragorn, Gimli a few steps behind me. We run for a few hours, and it is becoming clear that these Uruks are not taking breaks, and are even able to continue through the daylight hours. We track them through the forest and open plains, then we reach a rockier terrain. This is when Aragorn stops us, dropping lower to the ground, his ear pressed to the stone.

"We are gaining on them, they just passed through - a large company of Uruks but there is no sign of the Hobbits, or Harry," he informs us, seriously.

We continue, picking up the pace, hoping to capture them. We only stop when Aragorn notices something trodden into the ground.

"That's-" I begin, relieved and also worried once more. Aragorn turns the leaf-shaped pin in his hand with a frown.

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