(| Three |)

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Mixed martial arts wasn't the only thing Izumi started.

Especially when her sensei wound up not willing to taking any money for training her, saying that it would be weird to get paid by her since he already was pretty well off due to his family. Akio taught her on his off hours from the force, at the gym where they first met.

She had analyzed his quirk as well, it was oh-so amazingly named Water Warping. Akio could manipulate small amounts of water, either from a body of water like a puddle, if it was raining, or-with some strain- straight out of the pipes of a water fountain or something of the like. It wasn't over-powered, only letting him control so much at a time, but he could do so much with it.

Which he knew, but hearing Izumi go off about all the different possibilities had gotten a boisterous laugh and beaming grin from the man.

Though, let's get back on track.

Izumi had been with her knew trainer for two weeks when she decided to try something new.


It took a week to pinpoint what type she wanted to learn, find a studio nearby that was a good price, then finally sign up.

That's how she got where she currently was, in a dance studio only a few blocks from her gym, with a bubbly woman grinning down at her.

The woman was tall, maybe taller than Akio, with her black hair pulled back in a lose braid and gleaming golden eyes. Her lips were like Izumi's, rosebud shaped and a soft shade of pink. The woman had legs for days, wearing a simple outfit of yoga pants and a lose tank top over a bright pink sports bra.

"Hello there, Sweetie! Are you my new project?" Without waiting for an answer the woman walked around Izumi, poking her biceps, cheeks, hips, tugging on a curl of her green hair. She hummed, grinning to herself as she stopped in front of the young girl and held her face up, cupping Izumi's jaw in both of her hands and she turned her head this way then that way.

Tilting Izumi's chin up, the Dance Instructor squinted and clicked her tongue.

"Hmm," She hummed again, letting go, putting her hands on her hips before grinning again. "just as I thought! You're made for this!" Nodding to herself she continued. "I'm Kami, you can call me Sensei if you want but I don't mind whatever you decide on. Let's get to work!"

And so Izumi started a new routine.

She practiced dancing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from three-thirty to five-thirty. Her Fighting lessons where a bit unpredictable, so Akio messaged her the plan for the week on Sunday and she'd adjust accordingly.

The girl got her homework done during school, leaving her free time to read more textbooks. Even though she might be improving physically, her strength would always be her mind.

Izumi had been working on different support items for months.

Different types of flash-bangs, ones with smoke, ones with lights, ones with glitter, just seeing what worked the best. Then there was, of course, her pride and joy.

A set of brass knuckles.

But, here's the thing, there was much more to them then just what you saw on the outside. If squeezed just so, four spikes popped out-one from each knuckle. She had a lot of plans for those babies, just needed more time.

And she did have that time.

Halfway through her first year of middle school, she had just under two and a half years. And she would use every second to learn something that would help, to train, to build, to focus her efforts to become the first Quirkless Hero.

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