biker's life,sexy beast,new home😊

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Crap what do I say to them I'm so confused, if I tell them my friend could be killed even if she did betray me we still grew up together and those memories will never change😫

I guess I was distracted and lost in thought because next thing I know beast is snapping his fingers to get my attention

"Huh sorry... I.... um I...." I tried to say something but couldn't

"Its okay angel you've been through alot and we shouldn't have asked that after you just woke up your probably still confused and need time to rest" riot said looking down at his shoes it was kind of cute

"Oh right we forgot to ask your name angel and if you want to move to a bed...though we don't have a spare bed you'll have to share with one of the brothers don't worry they are all trustworthy and won't hurt you" doc said standing up taller as if proud of this club

"She can stay with me in my room hardly use it anyway I'll have to get women products though sometime today" beast said looking me straight into my eyes daring me to say no so I just nod my head okay

"So what's your name angel? though I think we all found your nickname or road name in our clubs case angel" riot says and winks at me, I cant help but notice beast growl at riot when he does?

"Umm....luka my name is luka, its um nice to meet you" I say getting shy in front of them

" oh she's so cute were definitely keeping her prez" doc says and I cant help but giggle at his antics I look over at beast and see him smiling looking down at me

"Oh my God is beast smiling were the camera at!!!" I hear doc shout witch makes beast smile go away and a scowl replaced it I kind of miss his smile?

Beast ends up chasing doc around the room and i just smile at them they get along really well

"Everything's going to be okay now angel, welcome to our bikers life it ain't all pretty but we get through together our club ain't like most were more like family and have standards we take care of one another" riot says looking at beast and doc, beast has doc in an arm lock now giving him a newgy and I smile

"I don't know much about bikers besides cobra's nest but you guys seem like a good bunch, a family indeed" I smile looking at riot before I turn my attention back to beast and doc who are now coming back over doc has a pout witch makes me laugh a little

"You really are an angel both outside and in" riot says then looks at beast

"I'll leave her with you beast to show her around and how things work, doc I want you checking up on her at least once a day intell she gets better I got to leave now but I'll visit when I can I'll be calling church soon so beast be ready bring angel with you when I do we can introduce her then to the boys so they know shes off limits" riot says then leaves

"Well I'll help beast bring you up to his room your on bedrest for at least 24 hours I'll bring some pain meds after we get you settled and change your bandages before bed" doc says and him and beast help me up supporting each side and help me up the stairs

The place is huge we went up three flights of stairs since they don't have an elevator my pain got a little worse but still bearable for now when we finally reach his room I'm put down on his bed

doc leaves to get the pain meds so now I'm left with beast alone in his room and I have no experience talking with guys at all just great

"I'm glad I found you if I was any later you would probably be dead, but I'll take care of you so don't ya worry angel cus im your beast now" he smiles then winks at me I just laugh and smile back he's trying to make me feel more comfortable witch I find really sweet of him he might look scary but he's a good guy deep down

"Thank you beast if not for you I might be back with cobras nest or dead on the street so thank you" I say and kiss him on the cheek as thanks

I see him blush but then he just smirks quickly so I don't know if he really just blushed or I was imagining it

"Hey I'm back got your meds now remember 2 before bed and 2 at lunch got it" doc says coming over to me giving me 2 pills and a bottle of water while handing the pill bottle to beast

"Beast I'll leave you in charge of her medication make sure she gets it on time" doc says sternly to beast

"Leave it to me doc I got it, how long does she stay on them anyway" beast says

"For at least 2 weeks but I dont know shes healing pretty fast? so maybe less well see after each check up I give her" doc says looking g at me confused but then just smiles

"Well see you guys tomorrow" doc says then rushed out

I take the medication doc gave me then hand the water bottle to beast he takes it and puts it on his dresser I take this chance to look at his room its surprisingly clean except a few clothes on the floor but that's it his walls are gray and has dark blue carpet the bed is a king size and the blankets are mostly gray but really soft the room is medium size probably 10 by 10

I look back at beast to see he is staring at me like he's studying me I just smile at him and let out a yawn then rub my eyes before looking back at beast to see him smiling at me and I cant help but think I may have just found a second home with a sexy beast before I drift to sleep with beast looking after me

Personal note

What did you guys think personally I find doc hilarious, hes just too funny and it's only just begun, so what did you think of beast, well that's all for now also don't forget to read my other story I plan to connect the two story's in a sequel later witch is gonna be fun 😊😊😊😄😄😄

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