Fanart #1

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This picture is so accurate. Whoever made this is so spit on I can't even. This (as you can see) is a picture of Barry and iris on the loft couch. Iris asleep on top of Barry smiling with her eyes closed and Barry holding iris on him as he rests his eyes with his smile bright. This shows exactly what their relationship is about. Barry holding iris and comforting her as she sleeps in his arms peacefully.

Her arms are wrapped around Barry's back strongly and holding on for dear life. Barry's arm is draped over her back in protectiveness so she doesn't escape his grasp. Iris is on her stomach laying on him with her head turned and resting on his shoulder. Barry's head is resting on her top of her hair.

Iris' legs are up and kicking around while Barry's are completely down on the couch rest, holding them in place.

Overall this looks like they are in the quiet darkness of the loft, exchanging each other's warmth with each other. And loving each other dearly

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