Chapter One (Edited)

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I smirked as the officer came up to my window. He had a scowl on his face, looking pissed since... Well since this wasn't his first time pulling me over. "Evening officer. How are you doing on this fine day?" Officer Morgan sighed in frustration.

"License and registration." He had both of his hands crossed, and what he said caused me to pout.

"Aw, officer! You're having a bad day? Woke up on—"

"Give me your fucking license and registration, Kyle." I flinched, his tone scared me as I wasn't really expecting that. I reached into my glove compartment and took out what he asked for. He took it, then walked back to his car, which caused me to sigh and run my hand over my face.

One of these days I'm gonna get arrested for real. Doesn't matter if my parents can bail me out, its gonna go on my record, and no one dates a criminal!

"Fuck my life," I whispered, then turned my car off, since I didn't want to run the battery dead. After I did all of that, Morgan had came back.

"Kyle, I need you to step out of your car." His statement cause my eyes to widen.

"What for?" He scowled at my response, his facial expression showed that there were no room for discussion. So I slowly took my seatbelt off and took my keys out of the ignition. I put my keys on the seat as I opened the car door and stepped out. "Look, I'm sure whatever I did, I didn't mean it." I closed the door and he told me to turn around, which I did, only for him to push me against the car roughly. "What the fuck man!" He grabbed my hair then pulled it back roughly.

"Shut up! I'm sick and tired of your shenanigans, Kyle. You have no sense of discipline. None!" He spread my legs out shoulder length apart and forced my hands behind my back.

"But I–" Before I could finish my statement, I was cut off.

"Did I say to talk, Kyle?" He growled in my ear, making me gulp.


"You don't know how much of a spoiled brat you are. You know what brats like you get?" I shook my head. "They get punished. You ever got punished before?" I shook my head once more. "As I thought. You think you're such a bad ass, huh? Especially in front of your friends?" I paled. "You thought I didn't notice, did you? Coming down to the police station and vandalizing the place. This is a small town. You, Carl and Fred are the only kids I know who act like this. I don't want you to end up in jail for vandalism, so I, along with two of my partners, decided to take matters into our own hands." I started to grow uncomfortable in the position he had put me in. "Stay here in this position."

He moved from behind me and went to his car. Gosh, this is worst than being arrested. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

My arms were growing tired by the second, so I decided, 'fuck it, he can't do shit to me, its fucking police brutality if he does'. I moved my arms to the front of me so I could lean against my car.

I heard a car door close and footsteps towards me. When I looked beside me, I saw Morgan staring at me with a frown on his face. He came up to me with a sigh. "Kyle Kyle Kyle. You can't follow the simplest instructions, can you?" He said, causing me to growl.

"You're telling me to do weird stuff. I'm not doing shit for you. Now I could tell my parents and sue the hell outta you."

"Tsk, now why would you do that? Your parents won't mind. In fact, Kyle, they even encouraged me to make you act better." He pulled me up and shoved my license and registration in my hand. "I'll be over at eight when my shift is over. I want you to be stripped and cleaned up by the time I come over. You better be fucking ready." He then walked off into his car and drove off.

The Officer's Slut (boyxboy) || #Watty's2019Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora