two - nicholas

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Uhhhhh so we're #79 in #safety??? wow i'm like kinda shocked at how many people like this book already. thank you all so much for the support! i promise i'll finish this one ;). anyway enjoy chapter two :):)

also baptiste giabiconi as nicholas oh my lord

also any french words will be in italics and the translations are listed below:

trésor - treasure
belle - beauty/beautiful
banleur - wanker
Je le jure sur ma vie - i swear it on my life
rouge - red
Nice - a village in France


Nicholas tapped his foot softly against the hardwood as he watched the small girl lay unconscious in the bed in front of him. He admired her dainty nose, her dark hair flowing around her; portraying an angel.

That's what Elianna was— an angel. His angel. The second their eyes met, he knew that she was something special, something ethereal. Nicholas knew that Elianna didn't remember him, but that didn't matter, it was better that way, even.

He felt terrible, making her family give her up like this, but when it came to the safety of his girl, his trésor, he couldn't care less who was hurt by it. Nicholas would give his life before anyone touched a hair on her head. Not to mention she belonged there with him, where he could love her and keep her and her innocence away from their cruel world.

He didn't know when he turned into such a fucking softie, but for her, he didn't care. Nicholas knew nobody would cross him anyway, if they did they'd be six feet under before even taking another breath. He was Nicholas Fournier, he could get anything he wanted whenever he wanted, he'd worked hard to get there and he deserved it.

Nicholas was lost staring at his girl, hoping for her to wake up soon so he could explain the situation in his own words. The last thing he wanted was for Elianna to be upset or afraid of him. He smiles, barely even noticing when his phone started to buzz in his pocket. He pulls it out, quickly answering as he exits the room, not wanting to disturb the sleeping belle on the bed. "Nick, there's a problem. Linder hasn't paid up, and he's not at his apartment. The fucking dick, must have skipped town when we gave him that two day deadline. Anyway, we're trying to track him down, we've got Brandon on him now. Just wanted to let you know boss, we'll call you with updates." A French accent speaks, the familiarity of it making Nicholas smile. The man speaking was in fact his best friend and right hand, Julian, who'd been with him since they were young children back in Nice.

He knew Julian like the back of his hand, and vice versa. They were a wonderful team, and Julian knew exactly how to deal with Nicholas' temper, which helped in situations like this. "Call me the second you find out anything, I should've known that banleur would try something so stupid. He won't get far, but I want updates as soon as you get him. Put him in the basement, I'll be there to deal with him as soon as possible. I've got rather important matters to attended to right now, Julian, if you will." Nicholas says, both gratefully and anxiously. He wanted to get back in to check on Elianna.

"Get your girl Nickie, I'll see you at home." Julian teases before hanging up, not letting Nicholas retort. Nick rolls his eyes, putting his phone back in his pocket before entering the room again.

He was surprised to see Elianna sitting up, a scared, vulnerable look on her face as she looked up at him, seemingly confused. "Hello love, I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" Nicholas asks gently, moving to sit down next to her bed. "I-I'm okay, I'm just trying to process everything. I still have a lot of questions, i-if that's alright?" Elianna responds slowly and softly, glancing up at him before averting her eyes down to her lap.

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