eight things

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I'm headed toward the cafeteria to meet Riley for lunch when someone catches me by the arm. I turn and see Mrs. Edwards with a frown on her face, and I feel my heart accelerate. She raises an eyebrow.

"Do you have anything you want to tell me, Liliana?"

I play dumb.

"What do you mean?"

She pauses and gives me a look that says Cut the shit, I know what you're up to. Still I don't give up the act. I shrug my shoulders and give her the most angelic look I can manage, which probably isn't all that innocent, considering my eyebrow piercing and seventeen coats of mascara.

"I checked the Hamlet quizzes during lunch," Mrs. Edwards says, and she sighs heavily. "You and Rose missed the same two questions. They were worded exactly the same way, and you sit right behind her in class."

She's got me.

"That's weird."

"Liliana," Mrs. Edwards says, her voice low. She's the only teacher who pronounces my name correctly. Most of them say "Lily" and then "Anna," but not her. Ever since the first day, she has been careful to say my name just the right way. I don't know if it's this fact that makes me want to come clean to her, but suddenly I feel really crappy about lying to her. "Am I wrong?"

I study the floor. "No," I say softly.

"Look," Mrs. Edwards replies. "If you come in after school, I'll let you try again. Is it a deal?"

I meet Mrs. Edwards's gaze. She looks so hopeful. I don't have the heart to tell her there's no point in me taking the test again. It would take a miracle for me to pass at this point. But there's something in her eyes, like she believes that I can do it. It makes me not want to let her down.

"Deal," I tell her, immediately regretting the decision. I'm only wasting her time. I'm sure there are much better things she could be doing than checking a test I'm sure to fail. I should have just taken the zero.

As I walk away, I feel slightly nauseous, any hint of appetite vanished.

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