Chapter 2: A Turn Of Events

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¿Allison Brie as Nera?


"Are you sure about this?" Sorrow touches his eyes. "Father" Nera begins "Don't worry everything will be great, we will be happy . . . All of us."

She turned her gaze to the man titering slightly under the arch, her dad stops walking. "Father, we are almost there please don't worry _" She faces him once more. "Father?"

As he stood there, eyes wide and filling up with tears, she noticed his massive hand pressed tight to his lapel. A closer look and there, protruding through the green of his coat, was a dark thick substance. Blood.

Now standing in front of him, placing a hand on each arm she screams "PAPA! PAPA!" Unable to see out of her tear stricken eyes she catches him as he collapses.

His chest pressed to hers, blood staining her dress, she continues to cry out "PAPA DON'T LEAVE ME, SE il VOUS PLAîT, SE IL VOUS PLAÎT!" He slowly drifts out of consciousness his body grows limp.


Laughter fills the air as I sit thanking the Lord for my beautiful little girl swinging away on the swings. My wife sits beside me, her long hair of gold, spun into a tight bun on her head.

Her face, also filled with laughter as our daughter calls out to us "Mama, papa look at me I am the wind." My heart gets warmer with her every word. Flash. I am now holding the telephone in my hand, a screeching voice pierces my ears from the other side.

"She did what? . . . Ok calm down . . . Who is he? . . . Do you know where she is now?"

Suddenly a knock falls upon the door. With my face twisted from uncertainty I walk over to it. Click. The door gives way as I pull it open.

A pair of bright blue eyes greet me accompanied by an apologetic smile. "Where have you been?" I started in on her "What have you been doing?" Her smile simply gets bigger with every question I ask.

"Daddy, I am the wind, you need not worry. The wind blows in the direction of its choosing, keeping in mind the place it calls home." My brows loosen to form a more relieved expression

"Ok but the wind never worries it's creator." I force a smile, then pull her in for a tight hug, noticing the red and white speedster she had arrived in. "Who is he?" I try to sound friendly.

"He is the new kid in school." Assuming my plan worked, I continued on with my intearicatin in disguise "Oh, is that so . . . How old is he?". Busted. "Oh Daddy, is the great creator jealous of a little water." With a dumbfounded look on my face she waved to the car outside, gave me her heart melting smile, then headed to her room.

It goes dark before the next scene plays out, this time I'm in the study, I have a strong feeling to look at my watch. Oh my is that the time, she will be late.

Wait! who will be late and late for what? Now I'm running down the halls of the château screaming my daughter's name. I push back the enormous doors to reveal her standing in front of a mirror in a stunning wedding dress.

I close my eyes then open them to be arm in arm with her on the path of letting her go. A burning sensation fills my chest, at first I thought it was the tears I've been holding back, I put my hand to it to steady myself, I feel a warm liquid beneath my coat.

I look at my little girl her screams fading to a dull hum, I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head, everything goes black once more.


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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