i found a home in you.

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jeongguk was never a wish-maker.

he was one to scoff at his friends when they suddenly shut their eyes as the clock struck 11:11 to make a wish in hopes that it'll come true, or when they pulled out a penny and tossed it into a fountain in exchange for a wish.

there was nothing special about making wishes. people who have wished for the same thing since they were ten years old are now twenty with the same unfulfilled wish. there are some things one can't simply buy with money - love, happiness, safety - these are the things people wish for. jeongguk never saw how wishing worked.

until tonight. a silent stargazing night during a camping trip with two of his closest friends, jimin and hoseok. a warm meal by the fire and toasted smores. lying on the grass pointing out constellations.

a rare shooting star.

"it's a shooting star!"

"make a wish, jeongguk, before it's out of sight!"

jeongguk watches as jimin and hoseok mouth silent words with closed eyes, and jeongguk wonders briefly what they wished for. and though jeongguk feels stupid, he decides for once that perhaps sighting a shooting star is a rare enough occasion for him to make a wish.

he shuts his eyes, inhales. exhales. wishes for the first thing that comes to mind, and it's a cliche wish.

one for true love.

when jeongguk opens his eyes, jimin and hosek look back at him with wide eyes.

"our jeongguk actually made a wish for once. never thought i'd see this day."

"i thought you said it was too childish to make wishes."

jeongguk rolls his eyes, feeling his cheeks flush slightly in embarrassment. "hey. you're the ones who told me to. and i'm probably never seeing a shooting star again in my life, so i thought i might as well. not that it'll come true, anyway."

as jeongguk, hoseok, and jimin laugh and enjoy the night sky, a wish granter awakes deep in the swirl of stars. tonight, he grants a wish for true love.

it starts with a little breeze and a swirl of iridescent starlight that sweeps taehyung (literally) off his feet. like a storm, taehyung's vision blurs as he is swept through space and time, only seeing streaks of light pass by him every now and then. then he only sees black. black, and black, when he his vision returns, he's on a certain planet earth.

the first time taehyung meets jeon jeongguk is quite an unfortunate one.

taehyung lands (quite literally) on jeongguk's doorstep, clad in nothing but the bare minimum after he was swept by starlight just after awaking. needless to say, taehyung was not particularly excited to be standing in the snow at this hour with his still-mussed hair and croaky voice.

then, as if the timing wasn't already bad enough, the front door swings open with excessive force, whacking taehyung square in the face and sending him reeling backwards yelling in pain.

"oh my god! oh my god. i am so sorry." a male voice says, instinctively reaching a hand out and taehyung sees stars when he looks up at the person staring back at him with wide, concerned eyes. "are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine. not your fault at all." taehyung replies, pressing a gentle hand to his forehead. it hurts like hell.

"what do you mean you're okay - there's blood running down your nose!"

THIS WINTER (I FOUND A HOME IN YOU) | KTH x JJKWhere stories live. Discover now