Contest 20-Closed

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Hello hello everyone! Welcome to Contest 20! (By the way the picture above is my kitty cat Spike🐱)

So here's the theme: love❤️❤️ since next month is Valentines Day, let's do poems on love! It can be any theme of poem and here's a tip (if you hate Valentine's Day, write a poem about how much you hate love and Valentines Day. So it can be a hate poem to) but you must have in your poem the word love at least once. Even if it's a hate poem, you still have to have the word love in your poem at least once.

Contest begins: today, January 18th

Contest ends: February 22th (I am give you a whole month to send in your poems)

Remember to enter: private message me your poems or comment them below. Do not send me a link, it makes my life harder and you won't want to do that, right?! If you do send me a link I will not read your poem.

Summary: contest 20 theme is love, must have the word love in your poems at least once, Contest begins today, ends February 22th, Private message me your poems or comment them below❤️

Happy writing!❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

Poetry Contests- Currently Open to EnterWhere stories live. Discover now