Chapter Two

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Sorry if this chapter is a little snooze worthy but i needed it as a transition and to help you get to know the characters, but I wrote it really fast because I had this Ah-maze-ing idea for the next chapter and really can't wait to get started!! Oh and if an apostrophe or quotation mark is missing i'm sorry but when I uploaded none of them filled up and I had to do a lot of editing! So anyway please comment, vote, fan, criticize etc. Thanks!!



--------------------------Ultraviolet Chapter Two----------------------------------------------------------------------------

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.

--Angela Schwindt


Everything was comfortable, soft. I felt like I was floating through clouds, this place was serene. I was safe here.

A voice in the distance brought me out of my reverie, causing me to finally take note of my surroundings. I was sitting comfortably against a tree stump in a clearing, the grass was soft and dewey, like a comfortable, feather mattress. The clearing itself was beautiful, all bright green and grassy, with sunlight filtering through the leaves above my head, there were wildflowers everywhere, in vibrant hues of yellow and blue and purple; and I was pretty sure that off in the distance there was a bubbling stream.

"Violet, honey..." It was that voice again. I immediately stood up, dropping the wildflowers I hadn't realized I was braiding.

"Wh-who's there?" I called out, not really expecting an answer. Quickly, I spun in a circle, immediately scanning the area for a threat.

"Viiiiolet..." I jumped, while the voice itself was just a soft whisper, I hadn't really expected whoever she was to answer.


"Violet," I jumped again, but this time the voice continued, "You have to listen to me, sweetie, it's all going to be ok. You hear me, Violet? It is all going to be fine." What an odd thing to say.

" What do you--"

"Violet! Listen to me, I can't stay much longer! You have to listen to me, everything will be fine, you're different, special. Even some of the others are starting to change, you'll understand soon, trust me!" The voice was starting to get urgent, and I was so confused. "Remember, Violet, always remember, listen to your heart, even when your brain and everything else disagrees. It could save us all. Remember!"

The colors around me were starting to fade, the objects around me dissolving, "Violet... " I could barely hear her, "Remember, honey," something was just so...familiar, about that voice. I just couldn't put my finger on it, "Remember, I love you... "

Everything went black...


"Mom!" My eyes flew open, I tried to sit up, "Agh!" I groaned flopping back down on the bed. I gently reached under the scratchy blanket to my back and felt my fingers brush bandages, What the--

It all came back to me, the blonde girl, the cruel eyes of the guardian, the whipping...It was amazing I had made it home at all, much less carrying a wounded child. I started to rub my temples, and that dream, so...Odd? Confusing? I sat up this time, but slowly, pushing myself up inch by inch, trying not to jostle or move my back to much in the process. Which, as I found out, is basically impossible. I sucked in another breath through my teeth, trying to hold back my cry of pain.

Ultraviolet (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang