9 | party.

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castiel really wasn't planning on going.

but walking home from school with charlie, listening to her talk about what outfit to wear or what kind of alcohol to bring, it sparked something in him. why the hell shouldn't he go? there was nothing to lose. he voiced this to charlie and she hugged him excitedly.

he listened to her rambling all the way until they reached the front door. just as he was about to unlock it, it disappeared. he looked up to see who opened it and was met with burgundy hair and big doe eyes.

"anna!" he yelled and immediately went in for a hug. "you're home!" charlie couldn't see his face, but she heard the smile in his voice. she saw this female stranger's face, eyes closed, peaceful and happy while embracing castiel. and she couldn't seem to look away.

"yeah. i'm on break so i thought i'd come by and surprise you and mikey." she stepped back from the hug to get a good look at him and ruffled his hair. "facial hair?" she questioned. cas self consciously reached up to touch his stubble and shrugged.

"haven't had the time to shave." she laughed and drug him into the house, charlie following shyly behind. castiel seemed to catch wind of charlie's nervousness and threw an arm around her before introducing the two. "anna, this is my best friend charlie." charlie smiled proudly. "charlie, this is my sister anna. she's visiting from college." anna stuck out a hand for charlie to shake and they did.

they chatted in the living room for a while, cas and charlie sitting on the couch while anna sat in a nearby recliner. they talked about college, about high school, about love interests. and the air between them seemed light and fresh and happy. it revived castiel, made him feel better, even if it was temporary.

"where's gabe?" anna asked. castiel responded with an eye roll.

gabriel was their cousin that visited pretty often. "out. he's been pretty wild ever since he got his license." anna nodded understandingly.

"well, i've got to see him before i leave." the redhead moved a piece of hair out of her face as castiel scoffed at her words.

"good luck with that. i haven't seen him lately and we live in the same town." laughter filled the room and everyone basked in it. soon though, it was time to get ready for the party.

"hey cas." charlie said and gestured to her wrist as if she had a watch there.

"oh! right. anna, i hate to cut this short but we have to get ready for a party tonight. how long are you in town for?"

"through tuesday!" anna chirped happily. "come and get me when you're ready, i'll drive you."

cas and charlie made their way up the stairs to cas's room. as soon as they were in there charlie collapsed onto the bed, earning a confused look from her friend.

"dude," she breathed, not looking away from the ceiling. "your sister is HOT."


dean got into the impala with lisa, gave sam a wave goodbye, and drove straight to his dad's house. he got there and he and his girlfriend helped set up the drinks, the food, and the music. they had even bought black light bulbs to replace the regular ones. after everything was ready, he grabbed lisa by the waist and brought her onto the dance floor. she laughed and they swayed to the beat of some melancholy song, and it was fun but it wasn't everything it was supposed to be. he could tell, and by the look on her face lisa could tell too, but both of them remained silent and decided to live in the present rather than the future. he pressed a chaste kiss on her lips and she pressed her face into his chest, both enjoying the comforting presence of the other.

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