The Birth of Solomon

71 3 4

May 14th 2003

Rivulets of sunlight fell through the thick wall of trees, filling up the space between the leaves with warm, sugary light. The rays tumbled down to strands of grass that gleamed with the remains of the morning dew. The sky ripened from a fresh orange color into a pale blue. The sweet surrendering fragrance filled the forest with a smell that did not belong to Earth but Khalil's genie land—the Neverfound Land. The fragrance was like the night-blooming cestrum mixed with the scent of pink lilies. The trees always danced with the wind when he was around, their emerald leaves tinkling as they moved. The sound of the waterfall cascading down the rocks formed gleaming rainbows that had the same mesmerizing resonance it had when Khalil and Daisy were in love.

Nothing had changed except their master was now in the asylum of his tragic memories, waiting for the day where humans and genies could become one, and no love would remain incomplete.

Khalil sat alone on a slightly moist, rock-strewn bench that now had tiny wild plants growing on it. He wasn't bothered about his position or his luxurious bejeweled garb. Nothing mattered. His inky black tears fell on the plants on the ground, drying them up as if his tears were a hot pool of melted wax falling from a burning candle. How he wished to witness the birth of his son! But he was trapped in the boundaries of responsibilities and secrets. Noor, the wolf, howled at the top his voice, feeling the pain of his master. His tail wagged, and he jumped up and down to cheer his master. Khalil stood up and walked to the glorious river to wash his face before his weakness was noticed. His brother Azeez appeared from behind with the sound of a puff and put a hand on Khalil's shoulder to comfort him, "Shaqiq, things will be better soon." Suddenly, thunder roared above. Khalil smirked while looking up at the dark sky and mumbled, "Ameen." The clouds turned heavy and gradually, hailstones and cold water drizzled from the sky making the surrounding, as well as his heart, cool.

It was like the heavens had given Khalil another chance to live his life right, and his heart soared, mending itself once more. A huge smile played on his lips. He asked his brother, "Azeez, to celebrate our joy, my son's birth, make sure every homeless child receives a gift from us today, a gift they always wished for."

"All around the world, brother?"

Khalil nodded in reply.

Every moment can nourish our soul if only we let joy in. Live with respect, contribute to others' happiness, be humble, be present in each moment, and the gifts of life will fill you to the brim, so much that your joy will overflow and make better the lives of all around you.


The wind kept blowing vigorously on Earth. The trees screamed as their limbs strained against the onslaught of the loud winds. Daisy took a few involuntary steps backward and scrambled for the front door and windows as they banged against the wall in chaotic booms. Then the rain started, so thick that the outside wasn't visible anymore.

She held her fully-grown baby bump and slowly stumbled upstairs to her bedroom. The baby started jogging round and round in her womb like a hamster in his exercise wheel as if trying to break free. She slowly adjusted herself on the bed and lied down on her back, but the movements in her womb were getting even faster, making her feel agitated. Despite the cold weather, Daisy felt as if the sun was hugging her tight.

From underneath her pillow, she pulled out her cell phone and called Darren immediately. "I'm not feeling well. How long will it take you?"

"Daisy, I was just about to come home due to the weather. It's raining heavily. Please don't go anywhere. I'm stuck at the supermarket."

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