Chapter 5

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Faye didn't know why she had agreed to come. She hated scenes and there was bound to be one, how could there not be? Lia had invited her and Chole to her house, well her nasty neighbor's house, to watch her ex-fiancé get married in the very public square also in front of her house. When Lia had told her about it she had been shocked and thought there had been a mistake, but then on second thought it was just the type of stunt Lia's ex, Chance Lennox, would pull.

Either way, Faye didn't want to spend a lonely Saturday at her house. There had been too many of those lately, and the last thing she needed was to spend time alone. When she was alone her mind kept going back to her one and only conversation with Dr. DeGraff, and she kept trying to read more into it than was there. She also kept remembering the sound of his laugh and the sight of his smile.

She was most definitely smitten with the man. She felt like a gauche school girl waiting to get a peek at her crush. Just like every other woman who met him.

Dr. DeGraff had done his first round at the hospital and all the nurses were already crazy for him. There hadn't been such a stir about a doctor since before Dr. Sam Evers, the heart surgeon, had gotten married a few years previous. It had caused a mild depression among the ranks of the nurses to know that one of their heroes was no longer single.

Faye had always liked Dr. Evers, but she had never had a crush on him or thought about him romantically, even though he was rich and handsome, he had never interested her in that way. However, Dr. DeGraff was another matter, but she would keep that little fact to herself.

"Why are we doing this?" Chloe asked reaching for the binoculars, pulling Faye away from her thoughts about Dr. DeGraff.

Lia fell into the lawn chair behind her. "Because I want to make him nervous." Lia reached for a beer with a smirk.

"Aren't you only making him think that you miss him, that you want him back. That's what I would think if I was as self-absorbed as he is. What I want to know is why his bride would let him have his wedding here." Faye took a sip of her beer, reaching to take the binoculars from Chloe, voicing her thoughts aloud. She realized that she was being more direct than she normally was, but she wasn't a drinker and the beer she was drinking was having a serious effect on her filter.

"What time does it start?" Chloe asked.

"I don't know, I wasn't invited." Lia took a long gulp of her beer, frowning as her thoughts grew heavy.

"Poor Girl!" Faye said shaking her head and thinking of the bride, River, who was a fellow nurse at the hospital, before her mind bounced to something else. "How did you get Mr. Personality to let you use his porch? Or is he going to burst out here any minute screaming at us?" Faye was curious to meet Lia's new neighbor and see if he was as handsome as Chloe said he was. Maybe he would take her mind off the good doctor.

"I asked this morning." Lia said, still frowning.

"And for the record, I said it was a bad idea," a tall dark man with a shaggy beard said from the doorway behind them. He was leaning against the doorjamb listening to their conversation. Faye stared openly at him. Even with the beard, one could see that he was handsome and very well built, but he didn't have a scar and his eyes weren't grey.

Faye gave a silent sigh as she took another gulp of her beer. He wasn't going to take her mind off the good doctor.

"Would you stop sneaking up on me like that, it's rude!" Lia said, settling back into her seat, pretending that she wasn't affected by him, but Faye could tell she was because her cheeks had turned a deeper shade of red.

"You're right, I'm so sorry I walked onto my own front porch," the man said, reaching for a beer.

Faye could see that Lia thought about objecting to his taking a beer, and he must have sensed it because he twisted the cap off watching her, daring her to say something. Faye was fascinated by the atmosphere that was between them. There were sparks flying.

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