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It was time to play baseball. Alice had announced it during Bella's visit. Well, it was more like my whole family would play baseball, and I as usual would stand by and watch. Alice had told everyone and even suggested Bella come and play with us. We knew she really meant watch them play like I always do, because vampires playing baseball is way too dangerous for a human.

There was a thunderstorm coming and my family always played baseball during thunderstorms because of how loud they were.

I had dressed in a pair of black jogger sweats, a blue thermal, and a blue and white Yankees jersey. I had my jersey completely buttoned and wore an old pair of sneakers.

I put on my dark blue beanie. I was standing at the field already with Emmett by my side. He had an arm draped casually over my shoulder as he talked with Marshall.

Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Marshall, Carlisle, and Esme were the only Cullens present at the time. We were only waiting for Edward and Bella. Jasper was practicing his swings with a bat and Alice was talking with Esme, while throwing the baseball back and forth.

Teams were already decided before we had arrived. This time they chose by hair color. Blondes vs dark hair. So it was Carlisle, Rosalie, and Jasper vs Marshall, Alice, Emmett, and Edward.

It was kind of rigged if you asked me. 3/4 of the dark haired time had a gift and Emmett had his strength. But that didn't seem to bother Jasper, Carlisle, and Rosalie so why should I let it bother me?

They were a really competitive family and that came out when playing baseball.

Esme was always the catcher for both teams as well as the umpire because she was the only one of them who everyone knew wouldn't cheat.

Rosalie raced over in front of Carlisle and smirked, "Ready?" She asked and Carlisle just raised a second eyebrow as he held the bat out. They both began to use their hands to climb to the top of the bat and Carlisle's hand landed on the top first and I smirked as she laughed and pushed at his shoulder.

I had left Emmett's side to walk over to Esme, and flashed her a smile as she looked at me. We turned to see Edward running over with Bella, setting her down on the ground and leading her over towards Esme and I.

"Bella, glad you're here. We need an extra umpire," Esme said as she grabbed Bella from Edward's arms and led her to home plate.

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett said as he walked past us, an innocent smirk on his face as he tossed the baseball back and forth in his hands.

"We know you cheat," I countered with a playful, teasing grin of my own.

"Et tu Brutus?" Emmett gasped and grabbed at his chest dramatically. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Call them as you see 'em Bella," Esme said as she placed Bella behind home plate beside me. Bella looked over at me, and I flashed her a grin.

"It'll be all good. It's actually really cool to watch. I swear Emmett gets like 10x hotter while playing," I said, with a small smirk knowing my boyfriend could hear me very well. I turned my head to see he was indeed grinning at me.

"Why do they need thunder to play?" Bella asked me, and I turned my attention to her. A small smirk appeared on my face.

"You'll see," I said, and she just nodded at my very vague response.

Alice looked up then back down as she smiled softly, "It's time," she said just as the thunder sounded in the sky.

Rosalie was up to bat first, "Good luck, Rosie," I whispered and Rosalie looked at me, offering a soft, barely visible smile before looking back at Alice. Alice gave the pitch and the ball connected with Rosalie's ball with a loud crack. Rosalie took off around the bases and Edward ran into the woods.

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