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Please read the note at the end, thank you.


Thing were getting more and more complicated. I was certain, after we capture Lisa we'd have some leads that will lead us to mastermind of The Revolutionist but instead, we were given another puzzle to solve.

I banged my fist against the study table, frustrated with how things were turning out. Who the fuck could be Lisa's mate? As far as i was concern, she had no mate, at least not anyone from my pack.

Her scent wasn't mingled with any male wolf nor was she marked. Was she lying when she said she have a mate? Was it one of their ploys to sidetrack us from our main goal?

One thing was for sure, our foe was someone powerful, someone authoritative, that could control a mass group of people without any difficulty.

Meryl was in the bedroom, our bedroom. She wanted to be alone and i could sense her conflicting emotions through our bond. After meeting Lisa, her emotions were all over the place and i could feel sadness through me. She was likely to be crying for Lisa and their lost friendship.

Lisa was a traitor, someone who betrayed their pack and tried to bring harm to the pack by manipulating with Meryl emotions and her participation to over throw my rule. Her punishment couldn't be less than death.

When Meryl said, i could kill someone without a care, she was right, I could because that's the way i was raised and moulded into. Someone with a title of an Alpha King couldn't be weak and waver by the mere bonds with the fellow beings. He should be able to part justice and be fair with his decision. That's the only way to keep the pack strong and to keep on living when there are thousands of enemy behind your back ready to stab you when you're not aware.

Meryl was innocent, oblivious to the evils of world. She lived a sheltered life, away from the harms and bitter truth of her surrounding. She wasn't aware of her own self and though i wish to keep her that way, safe and protected, I couldn't.

I was brought back to reality from my deep trance when I heard Damien's voice in my head.

'Alpha King.'

'What is it?'

'It's about Lisa.'

I got to my feet, pushing the chair away from the back of my knee. 'Did she talk?'

'No.' Damien sounded unsure for a second infuriating me further. 'She's dead.'

My blood ran cold at the news. Our only lead to the faction was dead. My hands fisted as a low growl emitted from my throat.

'I will be there.' I blocked him away and rushed out the door, but not before stopping at the end of the staircase and looking up in the direction of our bedroom.

I couldn't tell her, she was already devastated with the fact that Lisa betrayed and used her, she wouldn't be able to handle the news of her death, yet. I will give her sometime to collect herself.

Deciding to let her be in the house for now, i mind linked Dante, and ordered him to guard the house along with another warrior. He was quick and i only left the house after he and another warrior was positioned outside the door.

Leaving her alone was too dangerous. I don't want the repeated of what had happened to her four years ago.

Soon, i reached the dungeon, the doors were opened for me and i walked straight towards the room Lisa was kept.

The door was left opened, as the two warrior wolves guard the door. I walked pass them and entered the room.

Damien and Liam stood beside her lifeless body still chained to the chair. While the two female warriors who were in charge of torturing Lisa and to make her confess, stood at the other side of her.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt