Chapter 9

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That evening you were in the kitchen leaning on the counter while you flipped through a magazine. You were currently waiting for the timer to go off, signaling the lasagna you'd made for everyone was done. You briefly considered going back to your room while you waited but Steve and Clint both had a tendency to open the oven to see what was in it. No matter how many times you scolded them for messing up your cooking times, they still did it. It was easier to just play guard duty.

The elevator arrived on your floor and you glanced up, smiling when Wanda got off. The girl was still adjusting to life outside Hydra control but she was doing well. You really liked her. Where her brother was loud and abrasive, she was calm and contemplative. "Hey, Wanda."

"Hello." As usual, her voice was quiet. She sat on the stool across from you and folded her hands on top of the counter. A soft smile graced her lips. "I was wondering if I might talk to you about something?"

You straightened and closed the magazine, sliding it off to the side. "Of course. What's going on?"

She glanced briefly around the room as if afraid someone might be listening before leaning closer. "You know the conditions of my probation with SHIELD, yes?"


"One of the things I am not permitted to do is invade anyone's mind. Fury was very clear about this." Her hands twisted together betraying her nerves.

Reaching out, you rested one of your hands on top of hers. "It's okay. Just tell me what's going on." You hoped she hadn't broken any of her conditions. You didn't want her to have to return to the facility.

Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and she nodded. "How do normal people determine if someone is good or bad?"

You frowned. "By their actions I guess."

"No. I mean..." She sighed. "If you meet someone and there is something about them that makes you uneasy, how do you make certain they are a good person?"

"Oh." You pulled your hand away from hers and turned to the fridge to get out the salad you'd made earlier. "There's no way to know for sure. You just have to trust your gut."

The bread had already been laid out on a sheet pan and you put it in the oven to warm up. Wanda's gaze followed you as you moved around the kitchen getting out dressing, plates, and whatever else you decided was needed for dinner.

"Your gut?" she finally asked.

That stopped you for a moment and you grinned at her. "I'm sorry. You speak English so well, I always forget it's not your first language." She smiled at the compliment as you tried to decide the best way to explain the phrase. "It means trust yourself, I guess. Your instincts, your feelings tell you things for a reason and you should listen to them."

"But they are wrong sometimes, yes?"

"Sure." You shrugged. "The best thing to do is decide if the risk is worth it. For example, let's say you meet a guy in a bar and your gut is telling you he is not a good guy. Not worth it. Then let's say your brother introduces you to a new friend and you get the same feeling. It might be worth giving them a chance. Give them some time and get to know them. Maybe you'll find out you were right or maybe not."

Wanda appeared deep in thought as if considering your words carefully.

"Does that help at all?" you finally asked.

"Yes, I think it does. Thank you." She gave you a wide smile.

"Now I have to ask since you don't leave the tower much, is there something I should know? Is someone bothering you?"

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