Chapter Three

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   The next day, Cassandra arrived at the barn before any of the other girls. Once she gave Rose some fresh hay, she started brushing the Thoroughbred's coat. Next, she went to work on the mare's mane and tail, before moving on to the horse's hooves. After this was done, she went to grab Rose's tack. While Rose finished her hay, Cassandra tightened the girth on the saddle. The bridle came next. Once she was tacked up, Cassandra took Rose out to the round pen. Leading the horse in and closing the gate, the girl checked the girth one last time before climbing in the saddle. "What are they doing, Shep?" Teeny asked as they stopped outside the pen and sat down to watch. "It seems they're practicing," the old dog replied. This answer seemed to satisfy the pig, as she quieted down after that. By this point, Cassandra and Rose had finished warm-ups and started galloping around the ring. After getting used to the change in speed, Cassandra began doing some basic vaults. Then, she moved onto a tail drag, followed by a hippodrome stand. At this point, Will and Bailey walked out of the ranch house, and saw her practicing. Cassandra was so focused, she didn't notice them stop to watch. She moved into a layout fender, and held it as long as she could before pulling herself back into the saddle. Next, she did a reverse one foot stand, and finished with a suicide drag. After she pulled herself back into the saddle, Cassandra slowed Rose to a stop before jumping off and tapping the horse's front leg. Slowly, Rose lowered herself onto her knees and bowed her head. After holding the position for a few moments, the mare was given the signal to stand. "Good girl, Rose, good girl," Cassie said. Will and Bailey broke into applause, along with the rest of the group, who had arrived while the two had been practicing. Cassandra jumped, not realizing she had an audience. The black Thoroughbred mare snorted at her owner's antics. Teddy, who had been sitting just outside the pen, jumped through the opening between rails and trotted over to Cassandra and Rose. "Why is Cassie scared? Did the other humans do something to her?" the border collie asked Rose. Looking at the puppy, the mare replied,"No, Teddy. She just didn't realize they were watching us practice, so she wasn't expecting it when they made noise. She was just surprised, that's all." The canine looked thoughtful for a moment before wagging his tail and licking Cassandra's hand. The girl chuckled and rubbed the dog's ears. Taking hold of Rose's reins, she led them over to where the other teens were standing. "That was pretty impressive," Will praised. Cassandra smiled at the blonde boy. "Impressive? That was freaking amazing! Please, please, please teach me how you did that!" Bailey exclaimed. Raising an eyebrow at his behavior, Cassie cut him off before he could continue, saying,"Alright, alright. I'll teach you a couple things. Just stop begging." Bailey immediately started literally jumping for joy. Will couldn't help but feel embarrassed for his cousin. Bailey was practically obsessed with trick riding, and basically makes a fool of himself in front of one of the most famous trick riders alive. Hopefully, he wouldn't get cocky during his lessons with Cassie. Will didn't think Bailey realized just how dangerous it was. After all, it wasn't called a suicide drag for nothing...

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