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4. a thick amnesia pervades here; it clogs my amniotic grooves. i've no clue how to find solace in freshwater. it has turned into a vapid medium, devoid of its healing properties.

5. the sun pukes in a wavelength i cannot see but detect; is disconcerted by the task of breathing life into clams shrouded in strange particulates and plankton embedded with microplastics. the reek of suffocation has jaded the scent of sea salt; overridden the primordial nostalgia it carries.

6. cliff diving has lost its charm. collapsing back into the source and shedding the discomfort of freefall - an innocent trust exercise now dirtied. i only dare to drink filtered water these days; all the compounds that i've diverted would get caught up in my hair and teeth if i were to jump. 

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