migration {4}

517 22 4

Dear Daisy,

I hope you get this letter. I had to bury through mum's desk to find a stamp for it. She has been gone a lot lately, I'm not sure why. They always leave me with a babysitter and it gets so boring, even with Leo and Tommy. Do you remember the one who used to babysit you when your little? The old one with the wart on her jaw? Her name is Mrs. Gregory and I always hide in the cupboard when she comes. Mrs. Gregory never thinks to look there.

I miss you, Daisy. How is nana? Has she made you soup everyday? How is the beach? Have you made any new friends? I miss playing Hungry Hippo with you and listening to you read Harry Potter to me. Do you think we will ever get to the last one?

Mum won't tell me why you left. She just said that you're like a monarch— you know, those butterflies? She said that they migrate at a special time once they grow their wings. I asked if the butterflies ever come back after they migrate, but she didn't say anything. I hope you come back soon, Daisy.

Xxxx Piper

(P.S. Tommy has a girlfriend now and it's gross.)


"Is grocery shopping like our thing now?"

Zayn was analyzing a pack of blueberries with a furrow of his brows. "Our thing?" he repeated, laughing. "Yeah sure. We are great at it together, don't you think?"

"It's not like there is much else to do, anyway."

"Ah," he placed the berries back, visibly unimpressed by their lack of freshness. "Now you're starting to sound like a true local. Missing the big city already?"

"I didn't say that," Daisy half-smiled. She certainly did find herself longing for the bustling streets of London at times— the hum of life that sifted through the air, the smell of fresh pastries at every corner mixed with the heavy car exhaust, the tourists that would tap on your shoulder for directions. "Kent is lovely. I adore the shops and the beach and the..."

"Shops? You mean Tesco?" Zayn snickered as they weaved down the bread aisle.

Daisy grabbed those muffins Nana loved. The movie store came to mind but she bit her tongue. "No, silly. Like that cool donut shop on Main and the little boutique by it. It feels very... retro."

"Retro!" Zayn tossed his head back. "That's rich. You should be a real estate agent, and convince blokes to move here. You can tell them about the scenic beaches covered in litter and cold sand."

"I just might." Daisy adorned a glow to her cheeks that was a rarity these days. She stopped in the middle of the aisle and turned to Zayn, brushing his shoulder to make him stop beside her. "So, sir, what kind of home are you vying for?"

Zayn immediately went along with it, eyebrow peeking up. "Well, if I'm honest, I'd really like something cozy and warm."

"Warm, did you say?" Daisy licked her lips to keep from giggling. "You're in luck. The average temperature in Kent is a whopping five degrees. While that may sound cold, it actually is so freezing that your fingers and toes will start to feel numbed by fire. Can you believe that? Even better— every shop's got a heater right above the door to whip you with the breath of hell itself."

"Holy shit," Zayn's eyes widened, "Better than living in Cali."

"Mhm," Daisy nodded. "Are you sold?"

"Not quite. What about the people?"

"The people are okay," a pair of green eyes flashed in her mind, "They can be a bit grumpy and anti-social, but can you blame them? The rain puts everyone in a bit of a mood."

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