Chapter 10

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Word had reached camalot before them of the great deed of slaying the chimera, even though no one knew Merlin's part in it and believed Arthur and Isabella to be the heroes, greived as they were to learn she had given her life to protect her town. Uther summoned them to the thrown room on there return and they entered the room to see the whole court had turned out to hear there tale. Arthur have Merlin a look he couldn't quite translate. Merlin was worried, they'd planned to make no secret of there plans to marry but would Arthur be able to reveal such a thing with so many present? The man was an island, Merlin couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Arthur my boy!" Uther boomed across the hall as they approached, with a beaming smile and his arms spread wide in joy.

"Father" Said Arthur can stopped before the king.

"I hear congradulations are in order!" Uther said and sat in his thronwe. Arthur was stunned. He shared a look of shock with Merlin who also looks staggare by this news.

"Um..." He said unable to response as he had not prepared for this reaction, he had gone into the room ready to have to fight for his love.

"How did you know?!" Arthur asked ahgast.

"News travels very fast here Arthur" Utrher said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"And you're happy with the news?" asked Arthur, confured.

"Well, Isabella's death is most regretable, but this is still a brilliant outcome for Camelot." Smiled Uther.

Arthur was baffled. What did Isabella have to do with his marriage to Merlin? Out of the corner of his eye he could see Merlin gesturing wildly, holding his hands up necxt to his face and making facing like a mad animal. It did not help to ease Arthur's confusing.

"With the Chimera slayed we have one lest magical beast to concern aurselves with!" Uther continued. Arthur's mind clearled. He realised, his father didn't know about Merlin and he's relationship, he was happy abou the chimera, not their marriage to each other. The clarity in his mind grew cloudy one more, this time with dread, as he realised he still had to tell the king about their realtionship, and how they loved each other and wanted to be marrid soon.

"Yes. The chimera. Which I kill. By meself. With Isabella. Who died." Said Arthur hastily agreeing with his father.

"We will have a feast to celebrate this great dead" continued Uther oblivious to his sons miscomfort.

"Actually, father, there is something else I wanted to talk to you about." Continued Arthur and he glanced to Merlin for support and was met with an encouraging smilie.

"I had high hopes for you and Isabella but I will invite many princesses to your feast. You'll be able to have your prick of them." Uther carried on smiling.

"Well, it's funny you should say that-" said Arthur, stepping forward slightly and raising his right hand to to gesture.

"It really is about time you got marrie to a nice girl who's good for the Kingdom of Camelot. Produced some hiers." Finished up Uther.

"I am already engaged to be married, father" Arthur said standing nervously. Uther broke into an enourmous smile and let out a short laugh.

"Why this is splendid news Arthur? WHo is she? Has Isabella a sisteR? Is she hear? Bring her forwards at once!" Uther looked around the room scanning for an unfamiliar face but seeing only servants a courtiers all.

"My..betrotherd is here father. It is not Isabella's sister, I don't think she even has a sister, I think she has a brother" Arthuerr rambled slightly in nervousness.

"Well where is she my son?" Uther looked at Arthur with a gentle frown. Arthur shuffled uncomfortabley from foot to foot, and, girding his loins, finally raised his hand to point to Merlin, while staring at the ground, afraid to meet his father's eyes. Uther made a confused frown.

"I don't see anyone. Is there someone standing behind Merlin? Merlin, move out of the way!" He ordered as he tried to understand.

Arthur threw a qick glance to Merlin . This was awkward. And he steeled himself some more.

"No father. It's Merlim. I an engaged to Merlin." he stated and finally raised his head to meet Uther's flintly glare. Uther's anger lit up like tinder.

"Merlin! What sorcery is this?" he roared. He stepped down from the throne stage and prowled towards the man.

"You have bewitched my son!" he blared at him as he approached.

"Father!" said Arthur gently.

"I'll have your head for this Boy!" spat Uther as he raised his head to strike Merlin's face. Arhtur slid swiftly inbetween the pair, facing up to his father and sheilding Merlin.

"He didn't bewitched me! I just love him!" he crid sadly and worried that his father wouldn't understand. The entire court let out a collecting gasp at this revelation but Uther deflated right away.

"Oh ok" said Uthr and smiled wide.

"I was worried you might have been bewitched, this is very sudden and Merlin has been your manservent for many years." he grabbed Arthur's soulders paternally and smiled widely at him. Atrthur could see he was happy and let out a sigh of tensions that it had not gone as badly as he had feared it might.

"I think I have been in love with him the whole time father. It took him almost dying after a fall from a horse for me to realise the true deepth of my feelings" He smiled at Merlin softly with love in his eyes and Merlin blushed and beamed back.

"Well then, welcome to the fmaily boy." said Uther moving over to Merlin to clap him on the shoulders too. The entire court broken in to cheers, happy and celebrating that their prince had found love and they would have a wedding.

"We will have a banquet!" Uther announced to a great reception. The servants disappeared as there would be much preparations be done. Gaius approached Merlin and Arthur through the crowd smiling.

"Congratuations to both of you, I am glad to see you both so happy. Arthur I would like to make sure you are quite well after the battle with the Chimear. Come to my chamber's, I will give you a heck up." Arthur nodded and they both followed Gais through the castle to the physicians chambers, where he sat Arthur down on a stool and poked and prodded t him to make sure he was in good health. Merlin perched on the table and watched undeer the pretence of learning the trade and not at all because Arthur took his shirt off and Gais poked a large bruise on his ribs that made him yelp.

"A broken rib or too, but nothing to worry about" Gaius said giving Arthur back his shirt which he put on over his head. He pottered around gathering bottles and herbs and putting them away.

"I must say its a good thing you are getting married, if Merlin gets pregnant the babies will be legitinamte heirs" Gaid said absent mindedly. Arthur looked at Merlin in shock and saw a look of great shock on his pale face. He felt the blood drain from his own face in dread.

"Since when can I get pregnant?" Merlin asked at a squeak.

"Oh you are a dragon lord, a gift passed from father to son, The magic mas to make sure a son will be produced" Gaius replied as he put his boxes of herbs away.

"D-dragonlord?" Stammered Arthur thunderstuck

"Babies?" blureted Merlin at the same time. The colour drained from both of their faces as they stared agog each other in awkward silence.

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