Ch. 10

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(To the guest reviews that have questions, I can not reply unless you have an account. If you can, I do not know how.) (I am trying to write longer chapters.)

(After checking the votes I saw most of you(at least those who voted)want Hestia. Including my beta reader. So, with that in mind, and the fact that no one else is really voting, Percy x Hestia is most likely going to be the pairing. I will give the voting a couple days after this chapter, but I believe that Hestia is still going to be the pairing.)

(Percy will meet Hestia this chapter. Her appearance will be different because this is fanfiction. Her Personality will be somewhat different as well.)

(The three dots are a small time skip when they are by themselves. Or are a separation to make reading easier.)

(Thank you Qwityboy for beta reading. Also thanks to Qwityboy for helping with Hestia.) (Q: Awww, shucks. Thanks!)

(Longest chapter yet!)


I woke up Groaning at the ache I felt in my body. Opening my eyes, I took a look around to see where I was, the bathroom? What was I doing here? Slowly, I pulled myself up from the floor. Taking a look at myself in the Mirror, I stepped back in shock. I could feel my eyes widen as I saw the markings on my body.

I had a dragon-like tattoo's going on my arms down to my wrists. The dragons had their teeth bared at my elbows and flames from their mouths, down to my wrists, and past the bracelet on my arm. I also had some strange Pentagon, star-shaped, tattoo on my chest, and almost on my neck. While wearing a shirt it would still be visible, considering how high up the tattoo was on my body.

That, and all I had on at the moment were black jeans and the V-jacket. All that was underneath was leather straps holding the jacket together at the chest, and down to my stomach.

Staring down, I saw that I had tattoo markings on my hands too. On my right, I had a letter on my index, middle, and ring finger. Put together it spelled the word Ice. On the thumb and pinky finger was a small black star tattoo. It was as if they were there just to fill the blank that the word ice left. On the left hand was more stars on each finger not spelling a word like the right hand. Shaking my head hoping to clear it, I started to remember what had happened last night.

Unstrapping the jacket, I felt a sigh of relief as it fell to the floor. It could be taken off, thank god. Looking down at my now bare feet, I saw another pentagon shaped star on both of my ankles and a tattooed band around both of my feet. What was with these tattoos? I thought.

Turning around, I was preparing to leave the bathroom when I turned my head back to check the mirror once more. What I saw froze me in my tracks. There on my back was a large tattoo of a hellhound. It covered the whole of my back a void black color that seemed to suck in the light in the room with, a small mix of silver. The hellhound had molten orange eyes that...had silver mixed with black and orange? Is it Reika?

Did I hear a growl of pride in my mind? In my head, I could see the events that had taken place while I was out. There, on my back, a dragon tattoo started to form. Reika was not liking all the dragons and decided to put a tattoo of herself on there, Growling in pride at her work as she did so.

Shocking could barely describe what I feel at the moment. I am now covered with tattoos; my companion put a tattoo of herself on my back, and... my hair has grown longer? Somehow while staring at the tattoos, I had missed that my hair could almost reach my shoulders now. It wasn't straight, but a little curly and had some silver and black looking clasps on some bands of hair by the side of my head. My hair was also currently a darker color than my usual black.

A Different Level System (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt