Chapter 2

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The SRU team were having a quiet day with no calls out yet, so everyone was around working on one thing or the other.

Sam: So for our date I was thinking that we could go out for dinner at a nice restaurant.

Spike: No.

S: No?

Sp: No.

S: Why?

Sp: If food is involved in our first date then I'm obviously cooking.

S: But I wanted to take you out.

Sp: I'm cooking, you'll love it. I promise.

S: Okay, what do I need to bring?

Sp: Wine of course.

S: Of course, what else? I can buy the groceries.

Sp: No you can't. I know how much you earn.

S: How?

Sp: Have you forgotten that I am a tech genius?

S: I thought you only used your powers for good?

Sp: Well the boss IS my boyfriend.

S: But I make enough to buy groceries Spike.

Sp: I wouldn't know. I have no idea how much you make. I only use my powers for good Sam, keep up.

S: You're an idiot. Get back to work.


That evening Spike cooked up a proper Italian meal with pasta, homemade sauce, meatballs and even a salad to balance out all the fattening food they would be eating.

When Sam arrived they saw that the both of them were wearing black jeans but Spike wore his with a light blue dress shirt while Sam wore a dark blue one, making his eyes pop that much more.

S: Wow, it smells amazing in here. I'm glad I let you talk me into this.

Sp: You haven't even tasted anything yet.

S: I know it's gonna be great though since you made it.

Sp: Stop with the flattery and come inside. (He blushed)

Sam followed the Italian in putting the wine he brought on the kitchen table.

S: I'm going to be honest with you, I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to do right now.

Sp: You've never been on a date before?

S: I have but I don't know, I'm so much more nervous this time around.

Sp: It's a normal date Sam. We're going to have some food and wine and see where the night takes us. Don't put too much thought into it.

S: I really want this to work out.

Sp: So do I, okay. All three of us want it to and we're a group of pretty determined officers.

S: Okay.

The two men sat down at the table and dug into the meal that Spike prepared.

S: This is really amazing, how do the other two still look so good while eating your food?

Sp: Why do you think we've been drilling more often this last while? Ed knows that he needs to work off all the food that he wolf's down.

S: And what about you?

Sp: I've been eating like this my whole life and I still look this good.

S: You do.


Sp: Do you know how we chose who'd go first?

S: How?

Sp: I said I'm going first, so Ed called me the starter, him the main course of course...

S: Of course.

Sp: And Greg the dessert.

S: Nice, though it'll take some time getting used to calling him Greg.

Sp: I know, took me awhile too.


S: So how does it feel to be in a relationship with two other people?

Sp: In the beginning I didn't know how it would all work out, didn't know if I'd be jealous or not because the two of them have known each other for so long and they share things that I'll never fully understand but they have never even once made me feel like an outsider. It has always been the three of us as a unit since we started going out.

S: That's nice. So is it like on relationship where everything is the same or what?

Sp: There are things I share with Ed and then there's some I share with Greg but most of the time it's just us together. That's how I love it the most.

S: I'm really glad you guys gave me a chance.

Sp: As are we, you have no idea how much time we spent trying to figure out how to talk to you about it.

S: I'm really happy, I can't wait to see where all of this goes for the four of us.

Sp: Neither can I.

The two of them continued eating their food all the while talking up a storm until they finished every single thing on their plate.

Sam was watching Spike pack up food for Greg and Ed with a smile on his face before he stood up and walked towards him.

S: Do you mind if I kiss you?

Sp: You don't need to ever ask Sam. (He smiled)

Sam moved closer to Spike and gave him a kiss. It started with a small peck but Spike was clearly not satisfied with that as he pulled him into a deeper kiss that left them both breathless at the end but with massive smiles on their faces.

S: That was just...

He couldn't come up with any words to justify their earth shattering kiss so he just pulled him into another one. Spike had his hands on Sam's face while Sam had his hands on Spike's hips pulling them closer together.


S: We should go see a movie. (He suggested after they finished cleaning up with mini breaks in between when they couldn't keep their hands to themselves)

Sp: We can't go see a movie; you'll spend the entire time criticizing whatever we watch.

S: I will not, give me some credit here.

Sp: Okay Samtastic. Let's go.


Sam drove the two of them to the movie theatre a few blocks away and the two settled on watching a war movie because it was the only interesting thing playing. About half an hour into the movie, Sam couldn't do it anymore.

S: No, I've tried, I can't keep quiet anymore. They'd all have gotten shot in real life.

Sp: I know, I've been waiting for you to say something this whole time. They'd all be dead and I'm right.

S: You wanted to talk too.

Sp: Yeah but I have more control than you do.

S: I'll see about that soon. (He said taking Spike's hand in his own and pulling him in for a short kiss)

Sp: Ooh, can't wait.


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