Unraveling Hidden Pasts

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I finally find some movements in my limbs after what seemed like forever, I open my eyes slowly to the sun shining in through the window. I slowly sit up, I sit there for a while, my eyes swollen and heavy. Yesterday comes rushing back to me like a flood, and I feel my heart sinking again. Was it all a dream? I look around the room, it's unfamiliar. It's smaller, more old looking.

"Where am I?" I ask myself.

I begin to panic, I remembered Naraku saying that he's going to drop me off somewhere, but where. I look down, I'm still wearing my red kimono. I'm sitting in a futon and covered by silk cover, and over the cover are my two big towels. My two towels, I remember that Naraku used it to add pressure on my wound that night. I hold the fabric, it's clean again and looks brand new. I look around, it wasn't a dream, it happened. I flip my cover off of me and try to push myself off of the ground, I look down beside me. My eyes widen, and my heart drops once more. My mind is telling me to leave it there so that it seems like an illusion, but my fingers are reaching for it to make sure it's real. I pick it up and the smooth skin of the bamboo glides along my fingers, I bring it closer to look at it. The red string of the silk floats in mid air as I hold the bracelet, Naraku took it off and returned it back to me. I feel my heart aching as I look at this precious item, it was a symbolism of our love that I so believed in. Of all the ways that Naraku could hurt me, he did. But, I can't hate him, never. I get up to prevent myself from crying at any moment, I open the door of the room that I'm in. The bright morning sunlight shines into my eyes and it gives me a headache, guess last night's crying is to blame. I look around the place that I'm in, it looks like a small village or some sort, huts line the edges, people are out and about. I feel lost, the unfamiliar atmosphere fills me with anxiety. Naraku wasn't lying, he said that he would abandon me somewhere when morning arrives. Not knowing what else to do, I clutch onto the bracelet and begin to wonder through the village lost. The bright sun shines down at me but I feel lonely, I want to hide somewhere.

"___________!" A voice calls my name from the side.

That voice... it sounds familiar. I turn to see who it is. I see Kagome running towards me, her white and red priestess attire flowing as she moves. Seeing her face soothes my heart, Kagome comes up to me and holds my arms, I feel like I'm about to collapse. She looks at me with worried eyes.

"__________, you're finally up, are you alright?" She asks me looking over my face.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Inuyasha sensed your scent in the middle of the night last night, he and Miroku found you in the ourskirt of town near a field. You were covered with the towels and a bracelet in your hands, Inuyasha said that he tried to wake you but you wouldn't wake up or respond, like you were paralyzed. We searched for you for days, but we had no idea where you could've gone to. We brought you back here and placed you in the hut, thank goodness you're awake now." Kagome explains everything to me.

So I was paralyzed... was last night a dream or was it reality when Naraku came into my room? Why... why would he do that after hurting me. He didn't just abandon me anywhere, he abandoned me outside of Kagome and Inuyasha's village. He says that he hates me, but he dropped me off somewhere safe. I don't understand...

"Thank you for finding me..." I say bowing to her.

"No thanks are necessary, we're just glad that you're safe. Let's get you something to eat, and then let's talk. Your eyes are swollen, you must be in a lot of pain..." Kagome says gently touching my puffy eyelids with her thumb.

"That will be refreshing, thanks Kagome." I reply back to her with no energy in my voice.

Kagome wraps her arm around my arm and she guides me through the beautiful village. Soon, Kagome take me to a big hut, smoke is coming out from an opening of the roof. Kagome lifts the curtain to the hut and gestures me in. When my eyes adjusts to the dimmer light inside the hut I see that it's like a gathering hut, I look around and I see Miroku, and Inuyasha, helping out by the fire cooking is I believe Sango, and an elder priestess with an eyepatch over one of her eye. Miroku and Inuyasha both stand up from the table that they were sitting around, they have a look of relief on their face. I feel grateful that I was reunited with them, my closest friends.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now