41. Champagne

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I'd never been this disappointed to get out of the car and enter the house. Our trip was officially over. And fuck, had it been amazing! Only him and me, no Charlotte, our music, the wonderful Eddie Vedder, and that bruise on my left leg... Could we do it again, please? On repeat? I wouldn't mind walking into a bed over and over if that was the result.

Nathan was exhausted; his hair messy, his face white, movements slow. Couldn't blame him. We'd cut up the return journey in half, adding an extra —very uneventful— night in a motel in Los Angeles. That didn't take away he'd driven a total of twenty-two hours in four days. I almost felt guilty for not having my license. Sam had gotten his months ago, but when I'd done some research on driving with a disability, I realized quickly I'd need a ton of money and time to be able to. For now, I had enough people to transport me from place to place, and I was too busy with school to spend hours on lessons anyway. Maybe later.

"You gonna go to bed?" I asked, when he yawned extensively. He was such a sweetheart like this, sleepy, in jeans and a shirt — I think I preferred it over his fancy suits. I hadn't given him his sweater back after he lent it to me, and I wasn't planning to; it was way too comfy, like a permanent hug. I didn't care that the sleeves were impractically long, that I had to pull them back each time I needed my hands. It smelled like him. What else could a girl want?

"Yeah... Just gonna say hi to Charlotte first."

Of course. Her car had been in the driveway, behind Sam's. Even the thought of her couldn't burst my bubble of happiness. He turned around, probably assuming she was in the kitchen — and stumbled over one of the bags, luckily being able to find support from the wall, or he'd have fallen flat on his face.

"Easy there, man," I said, trying not to giggle. "We might've seen that concert, but that doesn't mean you can go ahead and break your neck." He sent me a deadly glare, one that made me laugh. "Come here, you poor guy. I'll get you inside safely." I couldn't believe my bravery in the last few days. Now again, casually linking my arm through his, our sides touching, warm body next to mine.

Nathan chuckled, shaking his head. "I think the only thing this will do is guarantee we'll fall together."

Probably. Didn't matter though. He'd just have more parts of my body to inspect, and I definitely didn't have any objections to that. Snickering, I 'helped' him into the kitchen, where the sight before me surprised me so much I only laughed louder.

Sam, sulkily staring at his tea.

Charlotte, eyes scanning me from head to toe.

Mr. Redstone, holding up an opened bottle of wine.

Mrs. Redstone, offering up her empty glass to him.

Oh. They were home. I felt Nathan stiffen, obviously as taken aback as me. What were they doing here? The house wasn't even theirs anymore. Yeah, sure, nobody had bothered to clean out their room, so they did have a bed to sleep in. But frankly, I'd assumed we'd never see them again.

"Nathan! Finally, there's my son!"

I blinked as I watched Mrs. Redstone get to her feet and kiss Nathan on both cheeks, forcing me to let go of him. What the hell was going on? When I met her, she hadn't been able to stand him... And suddenly he was her son again? What, because he was almost done with college and had caught a beautiful, rich girlfriend? Pff... Horrible woman!

I wanted to exchange exasperated looks with Sam, but he wasn't focusing on anything but his mug, shoulders slumping. If I didn't know any better, he'd just finished an eleven-hour drive as well. How long had their parents been home for already?

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