Chapter 25: Husband And Wife

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"Good morning, wife." Edward kisses me when he sees that I am awake. He pulls me tighter in his arms, wrapping the blankets around us like a warm cocoon.

"Good morning, husband," I smile, pressing my cheek against his chest and enjoying the warmth and smell of his body.

He nuzzles my hair. "I still can't believe you're back."

"Neither can I, " I feel a tightness in my chest, "I don't know how I came back. And Catherine, I think she wants to come back too. I'm not sure if both of us can be here at the same time."

"As much as I hate to say this," he sighs, "I want us to have a chat with Calchantis to figure all this out."

"Edward...I've never asked you this," I play with my fingers nervously, "why does it seem like you hate Calchantis? Is there something I don't know?"

"I do hate him." He bites his lip. "It's a long story. I'll tell you another time."

"Edward, you know that you don't have to come if you don't want to, right? I can talk to him alone."

"No," Edward takes my chin in his right hand and tilts my face up so that my eyes meet his, "we're husband and wife now. I must do everything I can to help you and make sure you never leave my side." He strokes my cheek tenderly, and gazes at me with wide, forlorn eyes. He whispers, "You are the only family I have left."

"Hey," I nudge his shoulder gently with my arm, "don't look so sad. I'll never leave you." I frown. "But Edward. What about your mother, the queen? Isn't she still alive? How come I've never seen her around?"

"My mother..." Edward looks away, "she's...sick."


Edward wiggles a finger at his head. "Here."

"She's mentally unstable?"

"Hmmm," Edward shrugs, "something like that."

"I want to know more about your mother, she's your mother after all, I-" A wave of nausea rushes over me, and I am bolting off the bed. I run straight to the window and lean my face against the cool glass.

"Natalie?" Edward frowns, getting off the bed, "what's wrong?"

"I'm uh...ugh-" I fling the window open and puke up the contents of last night's dinner. Edward is by my side in an instant, patting my back.

"Are you okay? Should I call a physician?" he asks, sounding very worried.

"No no," I'm fine. I take his right hand and place it over my abdomen. "Do you feel anything?"
His eyes widen as he rubs the swell of my baby bump. "Are you...?" he trails off, looking a little shocked.

I laugh. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god, Natalie," he pulls me into a bear hug. "I'm so so sooo happy." He laughs and swings me up into his arms. He twirls me around. Kisses my cheek. Grins. "I've never been so happy. Ever."

"Don't sit so close to my wife," Edward glares at Calchantis.

I roll my eyes. The three of us are sitting in my room. Me and Edward on my bed and Calchantis on a chair next to me.

Edward kicks Calchantis's chair back a few foot. He claps his hands, "much better, now start talking, servant boy."

Calchantis crosses his arms and doesn't talk. "Servant boy?" He cocks an eyebrow.

Edward frowns. "Are you talking back, servant boy?"

"Edward..." I warn under my breath, "don't be so rude."

Calchantis raises his eyebrows at Edward. "Do you want my help or not?"

Edward shrugs. "Serva-"

I cut him off, exasperated. "Stop! We don't have time for this." I turn to Calchantis, "I need to know what will happen if Catherine comes back."

"She will come back."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm a seer, remember?" he sighs, "What I see is hazy, but I know she will be back."

"Then what will happen to me?"

"You'll go back."

Edward grips my hand and asks, "Is there a way to prevent Catherine from coming back?"

"Or a way to keep us both here?"

"Unfortunately, no" Calchantis shakes his head, "you two are dopplegangers. You can switch places, but you cannot both be in the same place and time. It is impossible."

My heart sinks. "How did I get back? Do you know?"

Calchantis points at my stomach. "It's because you're pregnant. Your baby is linking you to this time. Thats why you're back."

"When will Catherine come back?"

My heart pounds like crazy as I wait for his reply. Time slows. Cold sweat beads along my neck.

"Last time, you came here and stayed because of the spell Catherine performed. You went back after we broke the spell during the meteor shower. This time, it is because of your baby. But once you give birth, there will be nothing linking you to this time, and you will return to where you came from."

Edward inhales loudly. I can feel him shivering slightly next to me. "We must perform the spell again."

"We can't. We need a meteor shower. There won't be one for a hundred years."

"Impossible!" Edward roars, standing up and striding over to Calchantis. "You're lying, aren't you? It's all lies! It's my mother, isn't it? She told you to lie. Does she still think Natalie will cause my death? Tell her I don't fucking care! I'll die for her if I have to." Edward suddenly punches Calchantis, sending him toppling off his chair. "TELL ME THE TRUTH!"

"What the hell?!" Calchantis clambers to his feet and punches Edward back.

"JUST TELL ME THE DAMN TRUTH, you bastard!" Edward shouts.

I run over to try and separate them, but my limbs are all of a sudden feeling like jelly.

"Stop..." I try to yell, but my voice is barely above a whisper. Nausea and dizziness washes over me, making me wobble on my feet, as if I am drunk. "Edward..." I try to call him, but he doesn't hear. The last thing I see before I collapse on the floor is two blurry figures fighting.

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