A letter to My Real Mom 12/9/12

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So guys I found a journal entry that explains why I was mad at my step mom and how I got her pissed off at me! Remember a few chapters ago 'Glass House' well remember when I told you my mom threw her dr. Pepper and ice drink at me then started hitting me? Well this journal entry was that day...


Dear mom,
Sorry about not writing you. Umm... Well today was going good until I went into my room and had a melt down over pennies... I yelled at my siblings bc I knew they're the ones who broke my little bank and all my pennies were all over my floor. Hundreds of them scattered everywhere! Well then my step mom yelled at me. After all that my dad came in my room a few moments later. He asked me why I was mad. I said "I'm mad at mom." Then he went out of my room and yelled at everyone. About 5 minutes afterwards she came in my room yelling at me again. I told her she was playing favorites so she threw her icy soda at me and started hitting me. Eventually my aunt broke it up. My step mom started screaming and then left. They all went to the parade and left me. My dad didn't go with them. He had already left. So it's 8:40 and they are all back. Bad new is dad said they are splitting up. Just because I feel like my family hates me, doesn't mean I want them to split up!

So... they never split up. They are still together till this very day. Every now and then you will see my dad and my step mom fought a lot and you will see weirdly my dad always took my side(I know it's strange considering how much he abused me) and my step mom would always take her kids side. I didn't want there to be sides in our family. Why does there have to be? It's like there is a giant line drawn on the group separating us. It's stupid. Well you all know what happened the next day. I had bruises and went to my Gma's house. (My savior)

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