Chapter 7

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"Andre showed up at the studio yesterday."

Mia and Josie looked up at Izzy. They were seated at the far end of the dimly lit restaurant. They had gone out for dinner as planned and had been doing a lot of catching up.

"What did he want?" Mia asked as she ate.

Izzy snuck a glance at Josie whose smiling face was now fixed on the food in front of her.
"I don't know." She said, "Why don't we ask Josie."

Josie looked up at the girls.

Izzy's perfectly filled brow quirked upward.

"I don't know anything." Josie said, "He asked about you and I mentioned you were at a dance workshop and he wanted the address."

Izzy's was controlling her smile as she watched her friend try to get out of whatever she thought she was in and Mia who knew what she was doing just bit her lips holding back the laughter that was bubbling up.

"I don't want to interfere with whatever is going on between you guys." Josie said, "He asked for the address and that was all I gave him."

Mia couldn't control it anymore because she burst out laughing and Izzy joined her and Josie seemed confused.

"What's funny?" Josie

"You-you just fell into Izzy's trap." Mia said still laughing

Josie was honestly confused.

"I'm sorry." Izzy said coming down from the high of her laughter "I didn't mean to question you like that. It's just this thing I do, I can't help it."

Josie was smiling now as she leaned back into her chair
"You guys are the worst." She said, "I can't believe you."

"So, what did he want?" Mia asked Izzy

"He wants to take me out." Izzy looked at Josie "He says there's something between us and he can't help but wonder, something along those lines."

Mia looked at Josie. Josie looked back and forth at her best friends.
"Hey! Why are you looking at me now?" She asked

"He's your friend." Mia said

"Look, whatever is going on between you guys is none of my business except you make it mine but I have no problem if you guys want to date." Josie said, "You guys are adults." She went back to her food.

Mia smiled.

Josie and Izzy stopped with a spoon halfway up to their mouths.

"Anything you want to share Mia?" Izzy asked

"Nope," Mia said and went back to eating. "Nothing at all."

Izzy looked at Josie and they smiled.

There was something alright.

"So," Izzy began "how's the other guy, Frederick?"

Mia froze.

"He's good." Josie said knowing what Izzy was doing "They got the contract they came for."

"So, they'll be leaving soon?" Izzy asked, this time not because they were trying to get a reaction out of Mia but because she wanted to know.

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