Chapter 13

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This is not fair!

I grumbled and sat at my bed, thinking of ways to murder Jayden.

A while ago Jayden was blaming me for what just happened at school. I bet that that will be the talk of the school.

It's not my fault that Jayden will become the talk of the school!

I crossed my arms and scowled. I always get grounded! Why can't Jayden be grounded? I mean he was the one who got that girl and he knows that Leo is obsessed with them. Why me!?

I laid down, childishly pulling my blanket to cover myself. I want to jump out of the window for freedom but a big part of me was really afraid of getting scolded. I don't want to kneel down for who knows how long, while listening to my brothers, rambling about my safety as a punishment.

I sighed. My eyes were slowly closing and darkness was slowly wrapping me up and transporting me to sleep.


"XXX, don't leave!" Isaac begged.

"Let me go! You guys obviously don't care so why stay!?" XXX laughed. There was pain and sorrows behind her tone.

"That's not true!" Tyler desperately said. His tears falling from his cheeks as he pulled XXX away from the front door. "We care!"

"Oh yeah?" The lady glared at a young little girl, hatred filled xxx's eyes which made the little girl cry in fear.

"This brat is nothing but a waste of space!" She laughed crazily. "Why not throw her away?!"

"We can't do that!" Kyle growled. "She's important!"

XXX scoffed. "More than me...Great."

XXX glared at the girl and smirked.




"If any of you won't do it... Then someday. Someday I will do it. Mark my words. Someday." XXX swore then she went out of the house.

Everyone cried.

Pain was unbearable at the loss of a very important person.

Their cries filled the empty room. Everyone tried to give comfort to the other but what's the point when someone important left their hearts.

The little girl was shaking in fear. Tears was not stopping as the girl stared at the front door as if the scary lady would come back and kill her.

But why does it feel like it's the little girl's fault?

Why does it feel like everyone in the room was glaring at her?

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