Chapter 20

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Lyra found herself in a beautiful temple. She was being drawn to the courtyard for some reason. As she walked, she glanced around. Everything, from the marble floors to the towering pillars to the marble statues, was a shimmering white. Her boots didn't make a sound and the people who leisurely walked past her or milled about didn't act like they even cared that she was there after a few curious glances. A man that looked like he was clothed in shadows watched her from his place against a pillar as he played with shadows in his hand. A barely dressed woman played a beautiful and enchanting melody on a lyre. Another held a silver bow with a falcon perched on her arm. A man who looked as if he were made of sunlight walked past her having a conversation with a woman that looked like she was dressed with flowing water. Lyra slowly began to realize that she was in the Pantheon of the Gods. But oddly she was not afraid, knowing that she should be. She was in the gods' territory and would be at their mercy if they decided to turn against her. Thus she deliberately kept her hands well away from her weapons to keep from being perceived as a threat. Or she would have were she armed. A pair of the gods dressed in two types of armor approached her. The man wore heavy plate metal and looked, to Lyra, like a walking tin can. His helm obscured his features. The woman was dressed much like Lyra in heavy leather, her white hair fell down her back and a braid wrapped around her head like a band. Lyra knew these were the Twins, Thorn, the God of War and Battle, and Morrigan, the Goddess of Warriors and Strategy.

"So you are the one that I have heard much about," she said, her voice light and musical. "I have heard the others speak of the warrior that has the greatest chance to stand again our common enemy."

"You... know who I am?" Lyra said, confused.

"We do," Thorn said, his voice heavy and deep. "We have all wondered when Veloce's Champion would arise." She heard the capital.

"Champion? I don't know what you're talking about."

Morrigan placed a hand on her brother's arm. "I'm afraid my brother is quite blunt and to the point. You see, many centuries ago, it was written that a sorceress would arise that no one could hope to stand against. And arise she did. With her power so great, she used it for her own gains, enslaving or killing anyone who dared stand against her."

Lyra's hand unintentionally went to her throat where the collar had rested for four years.

"You know of whom we speak, Lyra. For you were once her tool to use as she wished. She did not intend for you to escape as you did. She knows the bond was removed but she knows not who removed it. When her rise was predicted, so was the rise of a Champion who could defeat her. That Champion is you. The only person powerful enough and whose heart is pure enough to do so."

"I can't just go and face her."

"Nay, you cannot," Thorn boomed. "Your power is still growing. You will know when the time is come. But you must deal first with the problem of the civil war tearing the kingdom apart. Something that was her doing. You and your fellow Guardian have been tasked with uniting Veloce, but you will not succeed until she is dealt with. But until the time comes for you to face your former mistress, you must erode support in both fractions." He glanced over his shoulder. "We cannot give you the aid you need to do that. Continue to the courtyard and seek out what you need."

The two gods stepped aside and Lyra stepped between them and towards the courtyard, a bit overwhelmed at their words. There was a prophecy about her and Alora?

The courtyard was the same size as the one in the middle of Paladins' Keep. The paved stones under Lyra's feet were worn smooth from the centuries of the gods walking on them. In the middle was a large fountain with the clearest and bluest water Lyra had ever seen. A woman was sitting on the edge, slowly moving her hand back and forth in the water. Her hair was the color of the sun and looked as if the sunshine were a part of it. Her skin was the color of earth and her dress was the color of the newly blooming leaves of spring. At her feet lay a reddish yellow-furred cat-like creature. Despite never having seen one, she knew what it was. A pizza kitty. Legend told that the creatures were once numerous but as they were hunted to extinction for their odd fur and meat, Gaia, the Great Mother, took the last of the creatures to stay at her side. The goddess stood as Lyra approached, the pizza kitty watching her intently. Her eyes were as blue and clear as the fountain's water. The scent of rain grew stronger the closer Lyra drew.

"Welcome, Lyra," she said, her voice soft and young and old at the same time. "I am glad you answered my summons."

Lyra managed not to gape once she realized who this was. The Great Mother herself. She crossed her writs to her chest and knelt.

Gaia took her shoulders and gently made her rise. "Rise, Lyra. I did not bring you here for you to worship me. Many prayers have been sent to me in the past few weeks, both from your brothers and sisters and from you. I saw how lost you felt and saw you were in need of guidance, so I summoned you to the Pantheon to give you the answers you seek."

"Great Mother, I only seek to know what direction I should take. Aiden and I were tasked with uniting Veloce. But the Twins have informed me that will not happen until I am ready to face Alora."

"They spoke the truth and you are aware that you are not ready to face her. The years to come will be testing, Lyra. You are aware of this?"

"I didn't expect it to be easy."

Gaia chuckled. "Your life hasn't been an easy one, I know. But you have the spirit of the warrior and the will of a god in you. You head to Halmont, yes?"

"Yes, that was our plan."

"Continue on that path for you will be in need of its shelter in the days to come. You will need to stay there for a time and I shall protect you from unfriendly eyes while you are there. You will know when you are to move on. Head south to the land of the Druids. There you shall find an ally to aid you. From there, your path is your own. I shall aid you when you truly need it. But for now, I will only set you in the direction you need to go." Gaia took Lyra's hands. "Faeren was correct when he said you were both important to Veloce. Now, wake, my child." She kissed Lyra's forehead.

Lyra's eyes flew open. Had she really just had a conversation with the Twins and the Great Mother in her dreams? She sat up and Aiden looked up at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I think I just had a vision," she said slowly. "Gaia was giving me advice."

"What did she say?" He didn't look like he didn't believe her.

"She told me to go to Halmont, that we would need to shelter there soon. She said we would need to stay there for a time and then head south to the Druids."

"Why the Druids?"

"We'll find allies there. She didn't say any more."

Lyra left out the conversation she had with the Twins. She was sure no one was aware of the prophecies they spoke of, otherwise the whole kingdom would have been searching the world over for spellcasters powerful enough to take on Alora and not be killed or go insane. Although one had to be insane to even attempt to stand against the sorceress.

"I say we follow your dream. I'm sure Gaia appeared for a reason. I'd rather have her favor than not." He stood and they began to erase signs of their campsite.

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