Chapter 37 ~ The note

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Backstage Brynn was practising her turns and marking her choreography.
She looked nervous. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"Don't be so nervous, you've got this. Just think of the dance." I whispered in her ear. She smiled back at me.

Next to me on the left, Kalani was making sure her bun was in place and steady for her lyrical number, Black Lake. On my right the Candy Apples girls were huddled in a circle talking to their soloist, Hailey.

"Next up is Brynn Rumfallo with Flags, act 56!" The crowd cheered for the entrance as she gave me a quick smile and walked on stage.


Our group dance went really well. The only thing we are concerned about is the fact that the Candy Apples had a decent contemporary number, while we had our hip hop number, Stars.

We sat on the stage in in our groups, waiting for the awards. The solo awards were up first. Both Kalani and Brynn wanted to be first, in their categorys. Brynn was in teen and Kalani was in senior.

I was bored out of my mind, wanting to go home, get ice cream and watch YouTube in my bed. I then started to think about what Kendall told me the day before. They will be going to MDP secretly without Abby knowing. Kendall doesn't know if she wants to do it or not. Ellie has only been here for now 4 weeks and is already ditching Abby. Did she no longer want to be in the ALDC?

She always wanted to come to LA and dance for Abby. Why has that changed?

Snapping me out of my thoughts, the announcer said "Stars by Abby Lee Dance Company!" I see the girls getting up so I followed their lead. Did I really zone out that long?

Dressing room

In the dressing room, everyone was cheering about our win against the Candy Apples. I sat in a chair with my water bottle in my right hand. I then felt something hit me on my back.
A scrunched piece of paper.


Everyone was starting to leave the dressing room at this point. "Piper are you coming or are you staying at this competition?" Brynn asked.
"I'll be there in a second. Just making sure I've got everything." Brynn nodded and walked off. I grabbed the paper and unfolded it. It was a note.

I need to talk to you about something. However it is pretty risky. You're properly thinking, who wrote this and what do you mean? Well, tomorrow text me when you are free and we will sort something out.

- KV.

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