Candace Sams

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Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Candace Sams. I've been writing for almost 30 years and have published about 90 books. I was a police officer and am currently a Master Gardener. I love collecting Halloween paraphernalia and rocks.

What is your favorite/most frustrating part of the writing or publishing process?

I love creating new stories and using my imagination to make characters out of bizarre creatures from legend. However, the publishing part of being an author is difficult. Trying go get noticed, among 40,000 new books a week is tough.

Who designed your book cover?

I actually did my cover myself. The book is called Commanders. It's about two futuristic commanding officers who meet after being injured, and who devise a plan to defeat dangerous pirates over a pile of French fries. I hope folks like it.

Do you have any advice to new authors?

Don't give up. Just keep writing what you like to write. 

Commanders by Candace Sams...this is part of the Rogue Skies boxed set, coming soon.

Book Blurb:


Two wounded warriors plan battle strategy over French fries.

Two commanding officers, from different allied worlds, meet after a hard battle. Their determination to overcome cultural differences leads to the decimation of a brutal pirate horde and saves an entire sector of space. But what else might this entirely coincidental meeting yield?

 But what else might this entirely coincidental meeting yield?

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I'm happy to give you a sneak peak into: Commanders

Two wounded warriors plan battle strategy over French fries.

Two commanding officers, from different allied worlds, meet after a hard battle. Their determination to overcome cultural differences leads to the decimation of a brutal pirate horde and saves an entire sector of space. But what else might this entirely coincidental meeting yield?

COMMANDERS is 1 of 25 stories in the ROGUE SKIES limited edition collection, PRE-ORDER today for only $0.99!!! (clickable link in comments)

Every pre-order will receive an exclusive collection of 18+ stories for FREE!!! (clickable link in the comments)

Connection with Candace (clickable links in the comments below)

Everywhere you can find me on social media (and the links) are in the comments below! Feel free to follow me on all your favorite sites! (I often share different things on different sites, so you don't want to miss anything!)

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