Chapter One

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   Things were chaotic at Horseland as everyone rushed to get things ready for the new arrivals. Normally, the ranch wouldn't be quite so hectic over something as simple as a new rider, but this wasn't your average horse and rider. The new arrivals were none other than champion jockey Vitani Surco and her Triple Tiara winner, Ghost of a Rose. The three-year-old daughter of Ghostzapper had already won the award for Horse of the Year twice, and had broken several of her sire's track records. Many thought that she would be an excellent broodmare when she retired, just like her mother, June Rose. Any foals would certainly sell for a high price. The mare never let anyone catch her in a race, and had the ability to run long distances at high speeds. Rumor had it that Ghost of a Rose was set to run in the Triple Crown later that year. She had aquired enough points to run in the Kentucky Derby, but no one knew for sure if the mare would be a contender or not. If she did run and managed to win all three races, she would be the first filly to ever win the Triple Crown. However, it seemed unlikely, since Ghost of a Rose was supposed to be taking a break from racing. The announcement had been made by her jockey after the horse won the Alabama Stakes. No one knew how long it would be before the duo was back on the racetrack. Some believed this was a way of ending the filly's career quietly, while others thought she was being secretly trained to beat the colts in the Derby. When word had reached Horseland that they would be hosting the Thoroughbred and her jockey, nobody knew quite how to handle the situation. Yes, they had a few riders with rich parents, but never someone of this level of fame. Bailey Handler was still trying to wrap his head around it all. His parents had said that, while Vitani and Ghost of a Rose were used to dealing with reporters, no one was to call the media without express permission. They wanted the pair to be as comfortable as possible at Horseland, and that wouldn't happen if they were constantly having cameras shoved in their faces. Spotting his cousin, Will Taggart, Bailey made his way over while dodging other people and horses. "So, what do you think, Will? Is everything going to be ready when they get here?" Bailey asked the older boy when he reached him. Will looked worried for a moment before sighing. "I sure hope so, Bailey. It's not every day we find out a famous racehorse will be staying at Horseland. We can't afford to have anything go wrong," he said, running a hand through his blonde hair. Unbeknownst to them, the animals were just as excited. "Can you believe it, Chili? A champion racehorse will be coming here!" Pepper exclaimed. The grey mare was thrilled at the news, and hadn't stopped talking about it since she first found out. "Give it a rest already. We heard you the first hundred times," Aztec snapped. The Kiger mustang shook his blue-striped mane. "Well, excuse me for being excited that a world-famous Thoroughbred will be arriving today. After all, it's not like any of you would understand the value of good breeding," the snooty mare replied. Before Aztec or any of the others could say anything in return, the humans came in to give the horses their food before going home. While everyone had wanted to stay to greet Vitani and Ghost of a Rose, they wouldn't be arriving until late. It had been a mutual agreement between Vitani and the Handlers that they would come after most of the riders had gone home, so that the mare could settle in before having everyone staring at her. A few hours after the last person had left, Will, Bailey, and Bailey's parents stood in front of the barn, watching a truck and trailer pull up the long driveway. The champions had arrived.

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