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"Like I said," Sage said as he and Vikter entered the small courtyard, "we are the Marked Men and it is our mission to free those imprisoned in the Spire. But as you saw, that is no easy task and so we train."

Vikter had hiked with Sage for nearly two hours, making their way up to one of the several mountain peaks that made up the Drushnik mountain range. From there, Vikter could see everything, including the little village he had called home so many years ago. It was merely a dark spot on the side of a distant mountain, but it was still special to him. He hadn't seen anything that reminded him of home in so long that even just a distant glimpse warmed his heart. He had also seen the Spire from the peak, too, a black spike sticking up into the sky. Even just the sight of it made him angry. Turning toward the North, he spotted what looked like a little castle perched upon the cliff-side.

"It's an old Elven monastery," Sage had said. "There are dozen of them in these mountains. Only a few of them are inhabited and only one of them by elves. This one," he said, pointing to the one on the cliff-side, "is where we train."

With that, Sage had led Vikter along a narrow ridge that looped to just above and behind the monastery, down the mountainside, and across a small clearing that lay just behind the back entrance to the monastery. Now, they were inside it, walking through a large courtyard that was filled with racks of weapons, wooden training machines, and Airyn's icy glare.

"Airyn here is one of our best," Sage said, putting a hand on the elf's shoulder. The elf's expression didn't change. "He is second in command here and will be responsible for showing you around and helping you settle in."

Without a word, Airyn bowed and Sage nodded and left, entering the monastery through a big oaken door. As the door closed behind him, Vikter felt dread rise within him. It was obvious this elf didn't care for him very much. Either that or he scowled at everyone.

"I will give you the tour and then allow you time to...clean up a bit," Airyn said, making Vikter painfully aware of his disheveled state.

"And try to keep up," Airyn said as he spun around and went to the door, his pace quick. Vikter hurried after him and they entered the monastery. "This is the dining hall," Airyn said as they passed through a large room with a rickety table with a dozen or so stools around it. A fire was burning in the hearth, but the room was still cool. Large windows let in white light and Vikter couldn't help but note how different this dining hall was from the one in the Spire. It was definitely not as nice, but maybe that was what he liked about it.

But Airyn was already zooming down a nearby hall and Vikter had to jog to catch up. "The library is through there," he said, pointing to a set of double doors, "and the latrine is there." He bounded up a flight of stairs. "The barracks are here," he said briskly as he swept down the hall lined with doors. Vikter paused, the hallway's similarity to the Spire's dungeon stopping him in his tracks. Airyn noticed and paused halfway down the hall.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked. "Come along."

Vikter followed, shaking himself from his trance. The elf pushed one of the doors open to reveal a room with two bunk beds. "You will be rooming here," he said, nodding toward the bed on the right. "Unfortunately, you'll be taking the bunk of one of the men we lost today. Flynn died defending our retreat."

"Lighten up, Airyn," a voice said from one of the bunks. A head popped up from the top bunk of the bed on the left. "It's not like it's his fault we lost him. Flynn knew what he was doing. Can't blame anyone else for what happened." Airyn's lips tightened as the man in the bunk hopped down and came to Vikter. It was the dark-eyed man Vikter had noticed before. "Name's Casper," he said, holding out a hand. "I think I heard you say your name was Vikter, right? Pleased to meet you."

Vikter & the Dark SpireWhere stories live. Discover now