Part 1

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'This is Tzuyu's sign language convo'

'And this is the thoughts'

Don't get confused. 🙂



"Tzuyu! Where are you going? Why so early?" Her mom shouted from the kitchen as she peeked by the corner of the wall with a raised brow.

'I need to get going!' Tzuyu pouted as she hurriedly wore her sneakers near the doorway.

The woman rested her right fist onto her hips and shook her head.

"You're going to follow Sana again, aren't you?"

Tzuyu flinched and blushed. Glad she had her back on. She then looked at her mother with a playful glare.

'No! Why would I?' She quickly denied as she wore her cap.

"I know Sana is going to do groceries today. It's written on your calendar-or should I say 'Sana calendar'?" Her mom teased.

Tzuyu's eyes went wide. 'You are invading my privacy!'

"No, I'm not. It just happens I was cleaning your room and your calendar is full of Sana's daily activities, " her mom pondered. "You looked like a stalker that way."

Tzuyu was embarrassed and furious at the same time, so she immediately went out and shut the door. Behind it, she can still hear how her mom laughs like a maniac. She then walked away with a pout and waited for Sana by the elevator.

On Que, Sana came out from her unit tapping her white cane on the floor. Tzuyu immediately smiled seeing Sana's beauty. How she wished she could talk to her.

As Sana reached the elevator, she quickly patted the wall and searched the button. Tzuyu quickly pressed it for her and the door opened. Sana flinched when the door open.

"Eh?" She wondered yet still went inside. "This always happens." She mumbled as the door closed.

Tzuyu didn't go inside, but rather she ran down the stairs to catch the elevator before reaching the ground. She always does this every time Sana gets out to do some errand.

When she reached the ground, Sana was already near the rotating glass door of the condominium. Tzuyu quickly ran towards it and pushed the door slightly to give a safer room. After Sana got in and proceed to rotate the door, Tzuyu followed using the next-door slot. Sana then started walking down the pavements while Tzuyu followed her from behind.

It is always like this every day. Tzuyu secretly helped Sana on her daily activities since last year. She doesn't really know Sana that well, all she knew was that her parents are long gone as what Mr. Jung, their gardener, told her. It was a tragic event but it happened when Sana was still a child.

Tzuyu admitted to herself that she has a long-time crush on her, but she still didn't realize how vulnerable Sana is. Not until a year ago.


Tzuyu saw Sana walking back towards their condominium with an umbrella clamped on her neck as she was hugging her groceries. Sana looked uncomfortable since she needs her cane to guide her path as well. Suddenly Sana tripped and scattered her groceries, Tzuyu immediately ran and helped Sana quickly—not even minding how wet she was since her hood was taken off.

"I- I'm fine!" Sana stuttered as she quickly tried to search for the items on the drenched ground. The paper bag was already torn off since it was dampened by the rain. "Oh no! The bag tore apart!"

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