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During my sleep I could've sworn I heard a faint female scream, it gave me the creeps, i ignored it and went back to sleep.

The weekdays were packed, I didn't start my job until Wednesday, the winter was really getting into the outskirts of New York, it might possibly start snowing soon. I wrapped myself in my blanket, and went downstairs to make breakfast. As I was cutting up the peaches, and putting them on a baking tray, someone lightly knocked on my door.

I wrapped the blanket closer to me, as I waddled my way, to the corridor. I opened the door, revealing Nate. "Oh, Nate, hello?" I said awkwardly. He was just standing there in sweatpants and a shirt, wasn't he cold?. He chuckled.

"I see that you're very warm" he looked at me up and down, I followed his eyes, and jumped, realising I was still in pyjamas and wrapped in my blanket. "Oh, I'm so sorry, it is very cold, please don't mind me" I said, embarrassed.

"What brings you here?" I said trying not to wake up my mother, "oh, I unfortunately didn't have an extra coat, and my other clothes haven't arrived yet, so I stopped by to get my coat back?" He said looking inside my home. I remembered that he left his coat with me.

"Oh, sorry yes, come in, I was just making breakfast", I said making way for him. "Oh, thank you, I'm not going anywhere anyways" Nate chuckled, I blushed at the feeling of letting him in.

I ran upstairs and fixed my hair and clothes quickly, and grabbed his coat. I walked by my mothers room, and she was getting ready for work?, "Mum?!, What are you doing?" I raised my voice.

My mother looked at me and smiled, "they called me in last minute, sorry sweetheart, but I have to go" she ran downstairs. "Oh my!" My mother screamed.

I ran downstairs, and she was standing in front of Nate, "oh, this is my mum" I introduced her. My mother looked at me and smirked, "so you're the infamous boy, my daughter has been hanging out with, nice to meet you" she extended her hand out for him to shake. "Nate Jondus, ma'am".

At that moment my mother froze, but continued to shake his hand, "hmm, Jondus, a familiar name, well anyways I have to get to the clinic, bye, you kids have fun, but not too much!" My mother screamed shutting the door.

I laughed quietly, embarrassed about my mum, "sorry, she never knows when to stop working" I murmured, I gave Nate his coat back, and we sat down. I finished making breakfast, and we just waited for the peaches to bake.

"Baked peaches?, sounds gross" Nate said, I looked at him in shock, and playfully punched his arm, "Hey! I grew up eating baked peaches, don't regret anything you say when you eat them" I scrunched my nose. Nate laughed, and his deep voice brought me to a big blush.

"Have you heard about the murder of that young girl last night?" I asked.


My coat, it smelt like strawberries, I loved her scent.

The house smelt of peaches, even better.

To be honest I wasn't too fond of talking with her, but I'd do whatever it'll take to hear her voice. "Did you hear about that poor girls death? It happened just last night, poor girl" Althea's, voice boomed in my ear, I didn't notice that I was daydreaming.

"Oh, yea, poor girl, so young" I played along with her, stupid girl, not knowing she let a psychopath into her home. Her frown was obvious, so I decided to change the subject, "let me taste the peaches, if they're so good, let me try them" I itched a smirk up to my lips. She gave me a smirk as well, and went to place the peaches in a plate.

To be honest, I've never really been picky about my food, but let me tell you one thing. I absolutely hated, broccoli, I know it may sound childish from a nineteen year old, but ever since I was a youngster I hated broccoli, only for one reason.


She was a house maid, my family was wealthy, and it was obvious. I never wanted women or men to clean after us, I wanted to do it myself. But one day, Maria, one of my favourite maids was making dinner for us, I had stumbled into the kitchen, and she was cutting up some broccoli, I had the urge to see blood, and I was only eight.

She noticed me and picked me up to seat me on the counter to watch her "Broccolis are good for you, Nate" her soft voice said. "Here, eat one, don't tell your parents" she giggled, and popped a broccoli in my mouth, it was bitter, but I had no emotion, I just wanted her gone.

Maria, was different to the others, she was a young lady, and beautiful too, but I knew there was something about her, that I didn't like.

I stared at her insensitively, and waited for the right moment— I moved the chopping board, and she sliced her finger. Deep. She screamed for help, but no one heard her. She had grown aggressive to me, and shook me, saying how evil I was. I had enough of her screams.

I pretended to be scared, and she actually fell for it. She placed me back on the counter, and turned to wash her hand, as she did, I turned on the gas stove, igniting the flames, my eight year old self, told me not to. But I did.

I pushed her and set her on fire.

Her screams filled the house as I went to get my father, my cries for Maria had got to him, no one knew what happened. Our house lit up on fire, and we unfortunately had to move, that house held many memories. Broccoli.

"Earth to Nate?" I heard her angelic voice, my vision was blurred, it seemed like I dozed off again. Althea giggled, "here, taste one, after this you'll be begging to come over everyday".

I sure will.

I grabbed a peach, and bit into it, the juice filling my mouth, it was sweet, but salty. I couldn't explain the taste, but if it was made by the hands of my beautiful Althea, then I loved it.


Jesus, Nate and his childhood....

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