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The biting cold of the supermarket was almost painful, a drastic difference to the heat outside. I grabbed a small trolley.

"Do you want to get your stuff and we'll meet at the till?" I asked, handing him the list Sofía had entrusted me with. He took it, looking it over.

He nodded and went on his way. Bye then?

I shook my head at him, and went on my way.

At the bananas, I felt an arm go around my waist.

"Nicolás, what are you doing?" I turned around to see an unfamiliar face, much lower than Nico's would be. "You're not Nicolás."

"I can be if you want me to," he grinned, cockney accent clear. He wasn't ugly but he wasn't Nico. But then, nobody was. Stop comparing!

"Mi amor," Nicolás's voice said from behind the guy. At the sound, the creepy guy turned to look at him and almost stepped back into me as he gazed upon Nicolás, who was practically reeking intimidation. "I found the peaches, but not the ba— Oh, they're right here." He came to stand beside me, snaking a muscular arm around my waist and drawing me into his side. He pretended to only just notice the now almost cowering man. "Who's this?"

"You, if I want him to be apparently," I mused.

"Ha ha no harm mate," he said, looking like he was about to pat Nicolás's shoulder before thinking better of it. "Just a bit of banter, wasn't it, love?"

"I did find it pretty funny," I admitted, condescendingly. "You being him. Now, that's hilarious."

He looked embarrassed at my remark, whilst I smirked and Nicolás tried to keep his own off his face. I felt his fingers slip under my top and making gentle shapes on my hip.

"I think you were going," Nicolás said, nodding toward the door.

The guy jolted into action and ran out of the shop entirely.

We both watched him go.

"What an arse," I said as we watched him walk out onto the street in front of a car, and receive a torrent of abuse in Spanish.

He twisted me in his arms so our fronts were pressed against each other. "He couldn't compare to me, hey?"

I looked up at him, "You know he couldn't," I said. "Theo James on the other hand..." I made a fanning motion with my hand. "He is mighty fine."

"Theo James hasn't seen you naked though, has he?" He whispered low enough that a passing worker didn't hear. "Hasn't heard the beautiful sound you make when you orgasm?"

I shrugged. "He could if he wanted to. Anytime, any day."

His arms tightened around me. "Oh, Julie," he cooed, making the hairs prick up on my neck and arms. "I'd be careful. I've still got one more night with you, and I might not be so gentle as last time."

Gentle? Last night was incredible, erotic, orgasmic. It was everything but gentle.

"I'm willing to chance my bets," I said, equally as low, equally as sultry. We were so close and our eyes on each other's so intense. It was like having sex with your clothes on.

I drew away from his arms and continued on my way. I looked at the list again, feeling Nicolás following close behind, every now and then 'accidentally' brushing his hand on my bum as we walked.

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